At this date after learning that she still has not been found, I'd like to offer my opinion on a few specific locations being offered by the planetary patterns that were present at her disappearance. Thank goodness, Clara's search effort is being continued and undertaken by Texas Equusearch of the Post Oak and Choctaw Creeks areas. I am hoping perhaps the planetary alignments for that tragic moment can offer them a more focused area of these two creeks for a search. This witing is being offered by AMAP on Clara's behalf. Planetary Significators for Potential Whereabouts
AMAP has illustrated in the above map the southern arms of the strongest planetary patterns over the location of the accident and where they move over those two Creeks. In addition, we outlined in blue the paths for both Post Oak and Choctaw Creeks that are being searched. There were several significantly strong planetary aspects occurring at the moment of this tragic accident that have been considered for potential directions yet, I am hoping to narrow down the analysis by comparing those planetary patterns to Clara's own planetary alignments present at her Birth of October 28, 2016. It is my experienced opinion after looking at the recovery of over 160 child victims of disappearances that the mutable Mercury Jupiter Saturn T Square pattern is the strongest contender to offer Clara's whereabouts. It not only is representing the problem of her missing; but it is also describing the two possible moving bodies of water in question surrounding her search. In the image below, I illustrate the southern arm of the MercJupSat TSquare, and where those vectors align over the Oak Post and Choctaw Creeks. I also highlighted an area of the creeks where the railway crosses. I'd like to suggest that S & R consider these two particular areas of the creek and the surrounding areas for a search. The Mercury Jupiter Saturn TSquare is offering us a type of area where she is caught up either in or out of water (depending on how high the flooding) that can have something to with travel and transit such as a railway. I would also like to bring to your attention that there is a Route 11 to the east of the railway, and Mercury at the time of Clara's disappearance was measuring the 11th degree of Sagittarius, a sign that rules over transportation. It's been my experience not to ignore such coincidences. Another indicator of rail and powerlines, is that ... Clara Robinson, also at her birth, has a Mars Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that is Square by Uranus. Understanding that Pluto is representative of the corpse its highly possible that its aspect to Uranus could again offer us to look towards any areas that have connections to the transit rail system, culverts, concrete, work type environments and/or electrical pythons. I have highlighted two additional smaller hot spots within the two larger ones where rail moves over the creeks. Searching the surrounding terrain of these creek might be necessary. As I am afraid, not seeing the confirmation in her stars that she is still in the water. There could be something unsuspecting that could of taken her out of creek. How high was the flooding? and where does it have a tendency to flows onto land? I know logic leans more towards her being in the creek, but I can't ignore what I can glean from analysis. Note to Searchers: All planetary patterns vectored in our Map must be considered against where their vectors move over the creeks and the area surrounding. Although, I am confident in the Mercury Jupiter Saturn pattern, the others need to be considered as well, and by someone who knows the area, has knowledge about the flooding of those creeks. Syntax of Clara RobinsonLastly, I have explored Clara's name for more clues. I provided a link below to our work on Syntax and the missing. In the meantime, CLARA ROBINSON, is telling us, SR, I ORB ON CANAL. Clearly, the SR is short for the abbreviation to Search & Rescue. Clara herself is letting us know she is 'around' the creek. CLARA ROBINSON re-arranged is saying ORBS IRON CANAL. CLARA ROBINSON can also say to us, ALAS, ORB IN CORN. So where is corn grown along the Post Oak and Choctaw Creeks? Is there an area where too much iron debris is located in and near the creeks? Or where IRON is used? Perhaps for the support of rail bridge? Or perhaps where there is business situated on the creeks that has to do with Iron. Give these ideas thought while using the map and connecting the planetary alignments to specific areas where there might be corn grown and iron debris among the surroundings. God Speed and God Bless Texas EquuSearch in the search efforts to bring Clara home.
Similiar Type Illustrated CasesAMAP as illustrated two similar such cases in our Child Study involving victims being swept away by water that offer the planets foretelling of their whereabouts when they were finally found. Taking a look at the cases of Elia Rodriguez out of San Fernando, CA and Lucia Mungia of Yakima, Washington. The illustrations show the Point of Disappearance as the red target and the recovery as the bullseye. Elias Rodriquez
Lucian Mungia
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