Missing Children: It's A Matter of Perception
Argumentive Essay - written by Renee Francis-Conway, dated 12/6/2006
Introduction and Purpose
The emotionally charged event of an abducted child is every parent’s most horrid nightmare and every lawman’s most silent cringe. When the episode of a missing child occurs it has become obvious, after examining the summary of findings in a “one-of-its-kind” study on child homicides, that there is no time to be wasted either searching in the wrong direction or concentrating on the wrong suspects. This “one-of-its-kind” study, conducted by the State of Washington’s Attorney General (SWAG), was completed at the request of the U.S. Justice Department. This unique study was a three-year project that analyzed over 600 child homicide cases covering 44 states. The findings of the SWAG study were released to the public on May 13, 1997 (1).
The SWAG’s child homicide study was done in an effort to “improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how law enforcement agencies investigate and solve child abduction murder cases.” According to SWAG there is an average of 100 child abduction-murder cases that occur in the United States each year and the study established that the abducted child is usually found dead within 3 hours of the abduction (“State Attorney General” 1). Based on these two SWAG findings, this writer believes that a great need exists for an immediately distinguishable profiling system that will offer investigators the characteristic possibilities of an abductor as well as a way to fine tune directions and distances to be searched. The focus of this writer’s problem solving paper originates with three particular key findings that resulted from the SWAG study that provoked this writer’s thoughts over to the principles of the astronomical process because they can be interpretative against astrological principles and processes. The two of the three astrologically interpretative findings in the SWAG study that stimulated this writer’s thoughts were that, “the typical abductor is male” and that in, “53% of the cases the victim and abductor were strangers” (“State Attorney General” 1). Hence, the chances are almost equal that when a new case of an abducted child occurs, it has to be assumed from this finding that lawmen will have to immediately spend equal time considering both known and unknown abductor possibilities. In accordance with that thought, it is an astrological principle that the zodiac placement of the Sun and the planet Mars at an individual’s birth will describe the male archetype in the life of that individual--whether for good or evil. Those factors translate to this writer that there is an opening to explore if a high correlation might exist between the sign placement of the Sun and Mars for the subjects in SWAG study against the facts that determined if the murdered child knew or did not know their abductor. The second finding in the SWAG study that this writer found astrologically thought-provoking was that, “timing in reporting a missing child and the police response to those reports is absolutely critical. Quick action on both counts may save a child’s life and will certainly improve the probability of apprehending the kidnapper.” (“State Attorney General” 1). Knowing the location of the initial contact site also proved to be an important factor found in the study, in that, “when it was known to the police the solvability rate increased 13 percent above average” (“State Attorney General” 2). This time and location finding as an important factor in the SWAG study are exactly the same essential details needed to erect an astronomical chart that will reveal the planetary qualities present at any given date, time and location. Parallels have been observed existing between the astronomical process and the factual data observed by this writer in cases of missing children found murdered that leaves this writer with a conviction that an astronomical chart erected for the date, time, and location of a child’s disappearance will reveal the qualities present at the time of the abduction and offer a geographical direction of movement for the kidnapper with the victim. This writer prepares to present solved cases of abducted children that will demonstrate how the Sun and Mars at their birth offered both the characteristics of their abductor and suggested whether the child knew or did not know their abductor. In addition, using the planets’ positions in relation to the Earth and their total degree of celestial longitude at the time and location of a child’s abduction, I plan to demonstrate how these two factors accurately detailed the direction of where a child was found. All of the case demonstrations presented here will lend support to this writer’s appeal to undertake a further study of such observations against the same 600 cases studied by SWAG to discern if the same astonishing patterns presented here emerge with any marked frequency. A frequency which may assist to give law enforcement a system for profiling a child abductor when they are approached with a new abducted child investigation. |
The Astronomical Process and the case of Sara Anne Wood
For the sake of interesting reading, briefing the reader on the interpretive principles of Astrology and the mechanics of the astronomical process, and explaining the sources of this writer’s techniques, the case of Sara Anne Wood will be used. This case example of Sara Anne Wood will assist the reader in grasping the paralleling observations made between the facts in the crimes and the facts in the astronomical process so that it does not have to be repeated in the other case presentations.
This writer will be using topographical mapping software provided by DeLorme for all the cases presented. AstroDeluxe Report Writer Software by John Halloran will also be used for the purpose of erecting charts on the births of the children presented and their disappearances. Also, in an effort to make sighting the paralleling facts between Sara’s case and the astronomical process easier to mentally absorb and recognize these parallels will be depicted in bold lettering throughout this writing.
The circumstances of the Sara Anne Wood case caught this writer’s attention a month after Sara disappeared without a trace. It was the first time that this writer assembled an astrological profile that accurately labeled Sara’s abductor as a “traveling stranger” and pinpointed an accurate area to search for her remains using the gravitational pull of the planets and their measurement in thier total degrees of celestial longitude. It is important here that the reader understands that each planet has its own speed with which it orbits the Sun. For instance, it takes the planet Mercury roughly 81 days to make one complete orbit of the Sun, while it takes the planet Pluto two hundred years to complete one 360-degree orbit. It takes Jupiter twelve years to make one orbit of the Sun, while it takes Saturn some 32 years to do so. Knowing this, the observed parallels in the case of Sara Anne Wood with the astronomical process will show disturbingly how out of the 365 days of the year and the 24 hours in the day in which Sara could have been abducted, the event occurred on a day, and at a time, that shared in the same numeric notation that appeared as the celestial measurement for the planets at her birth. First let us explore how the planets at the date, time and location of Sara’s disappearance on 8/18/93 @ 2:30 PM from Norwich Corners & Roberts Road of Frankfort, New York offered a gravitational pull into the area where her abductor Lewis Lent said he buried Sara Anne Wood (The Doe Network). Sara ’s case was the first in which this writer used an astronomical chart erected for the time of a disappearance and placed its center point over a map of the area of disappearance to accurately predict a location for her whereabouts. Much to this writer’s astonishment, four months later this same area of the Adirondack Park Region would be revealed by her abductor/killer, Lewis Lent, when he “…drew a crude map of the burial location for authorities” to search this area (The Doe Network). Fig. 1 illustrates the disappearance chart erected using Halloran’s AstroDeluxe Software minimized and laid over a topographical map, using Delorme’s topographical Software of the New York area where Sara disappeared. Using a vector line drawing feature that also calculates mileage and notes a true north compass bearing, it was determined by this writer that a 12 degree true north bearing/vector line marks a distance of 54.2 miles from the point of Norwich Corners and Roberts Road in Frankfort out to the area of Route #28 and Limekiln Road of the Adirondack Park Region where Lent’s crude map took police (The Doe Network). The disappearance chart’s center point is symbolic of the Earth and it is positioned over the map point of Norwich Corners and Roberts Road.
Fig. 1 – AstroDeluxe Chart-to-DeLorme New York Map
Sara Anne Wood Illustration It is visibly clear that this disappearance chart in Fig. 1 has a preponderance of celestial bodies located in the northern hemisphere of the chart. However, it is the location of the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury in the North by East quadrant that are aligning out into the same direction as the blue vector line. The planet Jupiter in the disappearance chart celestially measured 12 degrees of Libra at the time of this abduction. Note: The planets, in their constant orbit of the Sun, transverse the 360-degrees of the zodiac belt and can be exactly measured in their degrees, minutes and seconds of celestial longitude for any given date in time.
Again, the direct distance in mileage from Norwich Corners & Roberts Road is 54.2 miles to the area of Route #28 and Limekiln Road of the Adirondack Park region. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury, are revealing by alignment a gravitational pull into this direction, and are measuring 9 degrees, 25 degrees, and 15 degrees—which, when rounded off and added together offer a possible distance of 50 miles. In addition, the Sun at the time of Sara’s abduction not only aligned out into the area of Lent’s crude map drawing, but its nearing celestial measurement of 26 degrees combined with the measurement of 27 degrees of Aquarius for the planet Saturn, for which it was forming the tightest opposing aspect, add to 52, a number that is very close in number to the 54.2 miles for which Lent traveled with Sara. It must be said here that this point on the map is only a waypoint used by Lent to travel south on Limekiln Road when he turned off Route #28. The State of New York spent over ten million dollars searching the area based on Lent’s crude map. I think it also needs to be mentioned here that the driving distance from Frankfort to this waypoint is 110 miles. The planet Venus at the time of the abduction measured 19 degrees and 31 minutes of the sign Cancer, which in total degree notation of celestial longitude is 109°31' would round off to 110 degrees. It needs to be explained here that because of the rotation of the earth these planetary placements in the disappearance chart will perpetually shift clockwise every 4 minutes. So, again, there is no room for one to consider a planet’s position in a direction that turns out to be an accurate indicator of remains recovery as coincidental. Next we will look at the celestial measurement of the planets at Sara’s birth to observe disturbing parallels. Again, Sara was last seen leaving her father’s church on Norwich Corners and Roberts Road in Frankfort, New York at 2:30 PM on August 18, 1993, which can otherwise be written as 8/18. These very same numbers (or numeric digits) are appearing at Sara’s birth in the form of the 360 degrees used in the celestial longitude measuring process. Using Halloran AstroDeluxe software, a birth chart for Sara Anne Wood was erected for March 4, 1981 as reported by The Doe Network. This chart sights the planets, Jupiter and Saturn, both measuring 8 degrees of Libra, which in total degree notation becomes 188 degrees of celestial longitude. The planet Mercury at 20 degrees of Aquarius measured 320 total degree notation, while the planet Pluto at 23 degrees of Libra measured 203 total degree notation.
A special note on longitude: According to Todd Campbell, in his article, “Not So New Math: The Logic for the 360-Degree Circle”, this measuring process was developed by the ancient “…Sumerians, and the Babylonians who came after them, who used a sexagesimal, or base six 60, numbering system. The Sumerians are also responsible for dividing the day into 24 hours, giving 60 minutes to an hour and 60 seconds per minute”. This writer’s astrological education of Astrology knows that traces of the craft date back to the days of Babylon making sense that the astronomical chart was given 12 houses of 30 degrees a piece; and a system for predicting their planetary movement and whereabouts by measuring them in a coordinate system using the degrees of Celestial Longitude giving Aries 0 degrees because of the Spring Equinox. Why the numbers in measuring degrees of longitude should appear as truth in the form of a date or a distance in mileage, the writer believes, is because everything here on this planet is cycler—from the rotation of the Earth, to the process of a beating heart. When we are born we arrive here under a cycle of which from that point forward, we are a part, just as the Earth is an integral part of the astronomical cycles.
Continuing with Sara, let it be explained here that the planet Jupiter is traditionally known for its influence in long distance travel, while Saturn is traditionally known for its binding and restrictive nature. When it is understood that the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, when compared, are radically different; and that they are not likely to together hold the exact same celestial position at any one given time--and then to see that their celestial measurement in degrees of longitude shares in the same numeric digits as the date a crime was committed against Sara, it becomes disturbingly thought provoking. Yet it becomes even more mentally disturbing when it is understood that on that date, Sara traveled a considerably long distance of 110 miles away from Frankfort with Lent who held her captive while she was in his van. Now although the numeric digits presented above are in fact inverted, it is hard to perceive them as coincidences when one understands the orbital speeds of the planets. This understanding is what opened this writer’s eyes to discover if the same sighting could be observed in other cases of abducted children. The cases that will follow shortly in this writing will support more of the same parallels. But first, let’s explore how we can develop a profiling system using the signs of the zodiac for the Sun and Mars at a victims birth to identify an abductor. Astrologer Llewellyn George in his textbook, The New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator defines the word Astrology and its purpose as follows: “The word Astrology is derived from the Greek words, astra, a star, and logos, logic or reason. It literally implies the doctrine and law as shown by the stars or planets. Astrology is the science which defines the action of celestial bodies upon animate and inanimate objects.” (19). The Astrology of Sara’s birth stars saw both the Sun and the planet Mars deposited in the zodiac sign of Pisces at her birth. Each of the twelve zodiac signs, Aries through Pisces, possesses unique qualities that are masculine or feminine in nature. George defines both the Sun and Mars to be masculine in nature (George 37). An important advocate of the zodiac signs in Astrology was the highly respected and great contributor to the field of Psychology, Carl G. Jung. According to written correspondences between Sigmund Freud (another great contributor to the field of Psychology) and Carl Jung found in The Freud/Jung Letters, Jung wrote to Freud: "I dare say that we shall one day discover a good deal of knowledge that has been intuitively projected into the heavens. For instance, it appears that the signs of the zodiac are character pictures. In other words, libido symbols which depict the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment." Robert Hand, an avid Jung follower, in his book entitled, Planets in Transit, imparts that, “The transiting Sun has to do with men in general who you may encounter, persons in authority of either sex. Afflictions from the transiting Sun often indicate problems with authorities or men”. What is meant by afflictions, as referred to by Hand, are the aspects by mathematical angle from other planets to the Sun which will describe what type of problem with men one might endure in their lifetime (47). The planet Mars, which also has a legacy of being inherent with masculine properties, Hand describes “ …as traditionally been considered a malefic planet in astrology, that is, more likely to produce evil than good” (217). The event of a missing child is an evil and violent act, and again according to the SWAG study the event will typically occur at the hands of a male. This writer believes that a profiling system can be developed if the same 600 cases that encompassed the SWAG study could have the Sun and Mars sign placements viewed against known and unknown abductors as well as other characteristic details. For instance--moving back to Sara Ann Wood--that Pisces quality as depicted by both her Sun and Mars at her birth suggested someone she would not have known, because Pisces traditionally is symbolic of the “unknown”--hence the probability of her abductor being a stranger to her had a higher chance than that of her knowing her abductor, according to her star sign signatures of her Sun and Mars placements at birth. In exploring another astrological sighting that confirmed her abductor would be unknown to her was that when Sara was born, the planet Uranus, which astrologically rules strangers was measuring 0 degrees of Sagittarius--the sign typically know in Astrology to be symbolic of the “traveler”. On August 18, 1983 at 2:30 in the afternoon, the exact details of when Sara was last seen, the disappearance chart erected sighted that the sign of the traveler, Sagittarius, was rising at the most eastern point of the horizon at 01 degrees. This 01 degree is a mathematical alignment that connected and energized Sara’s 00 degree Uranus placement in Sagittarius at her birth; and it was this energized position that influenced the moment for Sara to happen upon or incline to the meeting of a traveling stranger. Let it be noted here that the celestial measurement of that rising degree to Sara’s Uranus placement could have only happened once that day, so it being a coincidence is not likely. Also let it be explained here that the abductor Lewis Lent resided in North Adams, Massachusetts and had to travel over 124 miles from that point to Frankfort to abducted Sara according to William Kate in his article, “Lent Gets 25 years to Life for Kidnapping”. The Case Presentations
Fig. 2 – AstroDeluxe Chart-to-DeLorme California Map
Polly Klass Illustration Bortnick reports that during Richard Allen Davis’ detainment by Sonoma County Deputies, Polly was gagged, still alive, and being hidden by Davis in the nearby brush; But the expansive radio alert on Polly’s abduction didn’t go out until some 90 minutes later---and when it did, for fear of the press, it was labeled, “Not for Press Release” which hindered it from being a wide spread broadcast. So those Sonoma County Deputies didn’t know that just an hour earlier, 24 miles away, the man that stood before them was responsible for the abduction and soon-to-be murder of Polly Klaas (59 -61).
According to Denise Noe in her article, “Profile of Polly”, it was disclosed that Polly’s date of birth was January 3, 1981 in Fairfox, California. A birth chart erected for Polly’s birth sights the Sun deposited in the sign of Capricorn, and the planet Mars was deposited in the sign of Aquarius (AstroDeluxe). Bornick tells readers that Davis stopped in Petaluma to look up his mother while he was traveling to the town of Ukiah which can clearly be interpreted to mean Davis was a stranger to Polly (27). Nowhere in Bornick’s account of the Polly Klass murder was there any indication that there was any connection between Polly and her killer, Richard Allen Davis other than his mother’s residence in Petaluma. Mars’ position in Aquarius suggested a stranger, as the sign Aqaurius is assigned to be under the rulership of the planet Uranus which, as already mentioned in the Sara Anne Wood case, is suggestive of a stranger. Traditionally, the nature of Capricorn is known as being the most mature of the zodiac signs. Davis being born on 6/2/54 as reported by Bornick (141) made him 42 years of age at the time of Polly abduction, and not near the typical age of 27 as reported by SWAG (2). Polly’s abductor as a mature stranger could have certainly been an immediate interpretation of her Sun and Mars zodiac sign signatures. Moreover is the fact that Polly, at her birth, had the planet Venus measuring 260 total degrees of celestial longitude in the sign of Sagittarius, which again, like in the case of Sara Anne Wood, is suggestive of a traveler. This notation is the exact month and day of birth for Davis, as 6/02 (141). Due to Venus’ orbital speed, if Polly was born one day before or one day after January 3, Venus’ measurement would have been 259 or 261 total degrees of celestial longitude.
The Sun was in the sign of Aries at Steven’s birth forming no major aspects with any problematic outer planets, but a few minor ones to the planets Jupiter and Pluto. His natal Sun, was however, in the strongest aspect to the planet Venus. The Sun, because of its masculine energy, is also known to symbolize the father in one’s chart, while Venus is the planet of desire. Steven’s abduction occurred because his abductor, Kenneth Parnell, had the desire to be a father to his own son as revealed by Echols. Echols reports that Kenneth Parnell was in Merced handing out religious brochures and used the ruse of wanting to talk to Steven’s mother about his religious organization that misled Stephen to accept a ride that never took him home (39). This detail is in accordance with Steven’s natal Sun being in a minor aspect to the planet Jupiter, which typically rules religious affairs in astrology, while the minor aspect his Sun made to the planet Pluto indicated being under someone’s control, for the planet Pluto’s nature is to control.
Although the Sun aspects at Steven’s birth gave details of a man connected to religious affairs that wanted to control him, it was Steven’s Mars placement in Virgo which was conjunct the planet Uranus and Pluto at the time of his birth that indicated a stranger. As already mentioned in the previous cases, Uranus is the planet of strangers and Pluto the planet of control and rape. Echols reports the rape of Steven by Parnell the first night of his captivity and the continued rapes that occurred during the seven years Steven was raised by Parnell. Let it be said here that there were no planetary triggers at the time of Steven’s abduction that would have suggested his life ended on the day of his abduction, as were in the case of Samantha Runnion, who was found murdered the day after her abduction and whose case will be presented next. In fig. 3 the astronomical chart erected for the date and time of Steven’s disappearance at 2:20 PM on 12/4/72 from Merced, California clearly offered a geographical direction of movement to Cathy’s Valley by the planet Mercury when the center point of the disappearance chart is laid over Merced. Echols reported that the drive from Merced to Cathy’s Valley was a little more than a half-hour road trip up California’s Route #140 (45). Now, although no mention by Echols was made in regards to the mileage in distance from Merced to Kathy’s Valley, it can be assumed that the standard imposed 55 miles an hour speed setting applied to highways can be simply calculated that a half hour drive would constitute 22.5 miles. Using DeLorme’s vector line drawing feature, the locality point of the service station on Yosemite Parkway where Stephen’s was taken by Parnell to the direct point of Kathy’s Valley exactly measures 21.5 miles at a true north compass bearing of 063 degrees. In discerning the miles in distance, the exact position of Parnell’s rented cabin in Kathy’s Valley was not detailed in Echols writings. It can be reasonably assumed that the location of the cabin could either lessen or exceed the mileage being noted by the red vector line from the service station to Kathy’s Valley as drawn by this writer and illustrated in Fig.3. It also has to be considered that the cabin can either fall to the north or south of Highway #140. Knowing these possibilities, it is hard to ignore that the planet Mercury falling on the red vector line that extends out to the point of Kathy’s Valley from the service station in its orbit is measuring 26 degrees of celestial longitude which is very near to 22.5 miles in distance that a half-hour drive would require. Moreover, the two planets Venus and Mars at the time of the disappearance are holding the same astronomical position of 12 degrees, which when their power as a conjunction is astrologically considered, the summed degrees becomes 24, another indicator of the possible distance Steven traveled with Parnell. In discerning the compass bearing from the Yosemite Parkway to Cathy’s Valley it vectors at 063 degrees, and it can be reasoned that an orb of 15 degrees on either side of the Cathy’s Valley’s point (the 063 degrees) on Route #140 would give a possible compass bearing of 048 to 078 degrees. Saturn in the disappearance chart at 17 degrees Gemini is the only planet measuring the closest to this possible orb of influence at 077 total degrees of longitude. And although, the planet Mercury is the celestial body falling on the red vector line, there are other planets concentrated in this northeast quadrant of the disappearance chart for which minutes in longitude could be offering the exact bearing. For example, The Moon at 2 degrees Sagittarius has a minute measurement of 56, and the Sun at 12 degrees Sagittarius has a minute measurement of 53 and is also forming one of the strongest aspects, and opposition, to the planet Saturn. Fig. 3 – AstroDeluxe Chart-to-DeLorme California Map
Steven Stayner Illustration |
In fig.4, and for test purposes, Samantha's disappearance chart erected for July 5th in 2002 at 6:45 PM includes her natal birth stars positioned in the outer wheel portion of the chart. This writer, using DeLorme’s mapping software, drew a red vector line from the point of Stanton where Samantha’s abduction occurred to the point of the location where the Killian Trail meets the Ortega Highway. It was found that the planet Saturn in the disappearance chart is positioned on that vector line. In addition, the planet Mercury at the time of the disappearance is 17 degrees of the zodiac sign Cancer measuring a 107 total degrees of celestial longitude. The red vector line is measuring107 degrees of true north compass bearing from Stanton to the intersection of Killen Trail and Ortega Highway. DeLorme’s mapping software measured this distance, as the crow flies, as 34.8 miles. Mars at the time of the disappearance measured 01 degree of Leo and 34 minutes. The 50 miles that Caruso & Maier report in their book, is assumed by this writer, to be in terms of driving miles. The planet Saturn, is aligning in this direction and measures 23 degrees of Gemini, forming its tightest aspect with the planet Uranus at 28 degrees of Aquarius. When these two degrees are added together, it becomes 51. What has to be taken into consideration here is the fact that Samantha’s remains were recovered off the Killen Trail which extends directly south of the intersection at Ortega Highway, so the exactitudes for Samantha’s remains’ location will differ slightly in mile measurement.
A birth chart erected for Samantha Runnion was based on Caruso & Maier’s report of Samantha’s date of birth as July 24, 1996 (110). The birth chart for Samantha Runnion revealed that she was born with the Sun in the sign of Leo and in an exact opposition to the planet Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius. As already stated earlier in this writing Uranus is the planet significant of strangers. The sign of Leo, according to March and McEvers in their book, The Only way to Learn about Horary and Electional Astrology, their color chart relating to signs and planets depicts Leo as belonging to the colors Red or Green. Caruso & Maier reported that Samantha’s killer, Alejandro Avila, was in fact a stranger to Samantha who was driving a green two-door vehicle at the time of the abduction.
The planet Mars at Samantha’s birth was in the sign of Gemini forming a minor aspect to the planet Neptune and to the planet Pluto. The sign Gemini does rule the immediate surroundings to the home and property and Samantha was abducted just outside her home. Neptune is the planet of deception. Caruso & Maier reported that Avila used the ruse of lost “Chihuahua puppy” to earn the trust of Samantha (115). Mars in aspect to the planet Pluto at her birth would certainly indicate that this abduction would end in Samantha’s death, as Pluto rules both death and the corpse. Two other significant indicators of death were seen in Saturn’s measurement at 23 degree of Gemini at the time of the abduction exactly conjuncting Samantha progressed Venus in Gemini. Saturn is a restrictive planet while Gemini has rulership over the lungs. It was reported that Samantha “…died of asphyxiation during her last hours” (145). Transiting Neptune’s hovering presence, Samantha’s progressed Moon and important significator or health would also certainly suggest death at this time in Samantha’s life. What is important to understand is that by being able to site such tragic aspects that indicate death, helps to guide how an abducted child in the future would be searched for. There is just one more observation that needs to be mentioned. At 6:45 PM when Samantha was thrown into Avila's green two-door vehicle, the sign of Capricorn was rising at 4 degrees Capricorn. In total degree notation of celestial longitude is measures and is written as 274. The sign rising in the east and its degree is a very important point in events chart, such as an abduction--as it symbolizes what is coming to be, just as it was explained in the case of Sara Ann Wood noting a traveling stranger. But, for Samantha, we see something different. When this number is spoken out loud-- two seventy four--it sounds so similar to that of a direction of travel—to seventy four. The fact is that Route #74 was a crucial part of Samantha Runnion’s demise as this road becomes the Ortega Highway for the off shoot 'the Killian Trail' is where they found her body. The sign Capricorn belongs to the planet Saturn for rulership, and it was Saturn’s alignment in the disappearance chart that pointed to this area, with a bearing placement that was in accordance with Mercury. Experts Opinion on the Use of an Astronomical Chart with a MapThis writer, frustrated with seeing the same parallels repeating themselves in cases of abducted children found murdered, it was thought important to search out someone who had more than a basic knowledge of maps to review this writer’s work and tell if there was something the writer has overlooked that could debunk this chart-to-map technique sighting the gravitational pull of the planets and the degrees of celestial longitude used as compass bearings. Fortunately, such a mapping expert was found. This writer was able to indulge in written correspondence with Erol Turon, who since 1980 was a Cartographer and Physical Scientist with the Defense Mapping Agency of Washington, D.C. Torun also worked on Digital Terrain Elevation Data to represent topographical mapping. Torun is also the author of “The Geometry & Geomorphology of the D & M Pyramid” which is located on the planet Mars (SPSA). In an email dated, 2/12/2002, Torun responded to this writer after reviewing the case materials sent to him for his review. The following is a summarized excerpt taken from Torun’s email:
…The repetition of numbers is fascinating, but the unpredictability is frustrating. The patterns look easiest to spot after the fact, since they seem to fall into place differently each time. But there is one technique of yours that stood out amongst the others, and that is your use of celestial longitude to find the compass bearing of a missing person. It stood out because of its precision and apparent repeatability. Do you realize what it is you’ve done? You have taken a line (coordinate vector) and have flipped it 90 degrees into another coordinate system at right angles. This is exactly like the geometric representation of complex numbers and the transform into complexified space that I was writing about in the article {The Complexified Ether} that led you contact me. In another email from Torun, dated 3/27/2002, he said, “I have a hard time ascribing this to coincidence. The truly maddening part is the irregularity with which these clues manifest. The challenge will be to discover the pattern, and make it more predictable.” Criminal Profiling"Discover the pattern and make it more predictable". Torun didn’t state it in his email to this writer, but it’s obvious that discovering a pattern and making this work more predictable will only happen if a wider exposure to such cases can become part of this writer’s independent study. Agent John Douglas with the Federal Bureau of Investigation relays in his book, Mindhunter, that he saw a need to develop an extraordinary system that could help deliver justice to victims of violent crimes when no forensic evidence existed. Douglas pioneered criminal profiling which is a method of identifying the perpetrator of a crime based on an analysis of the nature of the offense and the manner in which it was committed (26). Douglas admits that criminal profiling had its discriminate beginnings under J. Edgar Hoover, and didn’t start to gain educational momentum until 1977 and without official sanction from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (102). It wasn’t until 1979, with the help of a grant and the support of a professor of psychiatric mental-health nursing by the name of Dr. Anne Burgess, that criminal profiling was further developed. Douglas, equipped with a fifty-seven page “instrument” to be filled out for each interview was ready to fully examine the minute details of thirty-six serial killers. But, before he would visit with the convicted serial killer in prison for the personal interview, he would review the crime scene photos and the victims’ files (123).
According to Douglas the gathered information combined led him (the profiler) to “…interpret the clues left at a crime scene in much the same way a doctor evaluates symptoms to diagnose a particular disease or condition.” Douglas also added that, “…everything they see at a crime scene tells them something about the unknown subject who committed the crime” (26). According to Douglas when providing this new service to local cops, it was considered, “…one step removed from witchcraft, I knew I’d have to “sell” them” (17). Today criminal profiling is now considered standard arsenal and used to jump start stymied investigations when no forensic evidence exists to hone in on the perpetrator of a crime. Today criminal profiling using the psychological process is a practical and effective divining technique that has revolutionized how we catch eluding criminals. Developing a profiling system using the astronomical process to identify a childs’ abductor would serve to do to Astrological profiling what the psychological process has done for criminal profiling. Where the criminal profile is based on the psychological process and uses the crime scene photos to evaluate and surmise a character description, an astrological profile will use the birth date and the position and aspects of the Sun and Mars to offer details of identity and to narrow down whether the child knows or does not know their abductor. In addition, using the planets at the time of the child’s abduction to eliminate the geographical areas that show absolutely no planetary gravitational pull will also help to save time, and give law enforcement a tool to geographically plan and direct their search efforts. Taking an astrological view of the cases that appear in the SWAG study would be almost effortless as the data needed to take an astrological view has already been collected as can be seen by the statistics the study has reported on certain particulars. For instance, in order for the SWAG study to have computed the statistics for the age groups of children abducted and murdered, their birth dates had to have been collected. In order for the SWAG to reveal that the majority of the children in their study had concealed remains found ¼ miles away from the abduction site, then the site and its mileage to the remains location have also been documented and can be reviewed against the astronomical process in cases where an exact time and location of disappearance was known. Based on the findings of the cases presented in this writing, this writer believes that there appears to be a great chance for a profiling system based in the astronomical process. If a thorough study were explored in this view, there just might be a distinguishable pattern that will emerge that can be turned into a system of predictability. What if a persuasive amount of cases in the SWAG study proves to show the same numeric parallels between the facts appearing in the crime and the astronomical process that appeared in the illustrated cases of Polly Klaas, Steven Stayner, Samantha Runnion, and Sara Anne Wood? In thinking of Polly Klaas, perhaps police could have aimed and extended their radio alert announcement into the direction being offered by Saturn as a highly probable gravitational movement for Polly with her abductor. The deputies would have had a reason to give Davis a further look and become aware of his criminal past. America could have gotten Polly back, shaken--but alive. In thinking of Steven Stayner, as if the details of Steven’s case couldn’t get any more emotionally disturbing, Mike Echols tells his readers that on the same night of the abduction, Steven’s dad, Del Stayner accompanied by a friend, drove out to Judy’s Trailer Park in Cathy’s Valley to tell his father-in-law about Steven’s disappearance. Steven’s grandfather’s mobile home was no more than 200 feet away from the cabin in which Steven was being held hostage (53). No Law Enforcement officer knew that the planets at the time of Steven’s disappearance were not only aligning out into this direction but their measurement was foretelling of the mileage as well. Works CitedAstrolDeluxe ReportWriter. 1993-2002 Halloran Software. Los Angeles, California.
- - -. ”Polly Klaas”. Birth Chart. - - -. ”Polly Kaas”. Disappearance Chart - - -. ”Samantha Runnion”. Birth Chart - - -. ”Samantha Runnion”. Disappearance Chart - - -. ”Sara Anne Wood” Birth Chart - - -. “Sara Anne Wood” Disappearance Chart - - -. ”Steven Stayner”. Birth Chart. - - -. ”Steven Stayner”. Disappearance Chart Bortnick, Barry. Polly Klaas: The Murder of America’s Child. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp. 1995. Campbell, Todd. “Not So New Math: The Logic for the 360-Degree Circle.” ABCNEWS. 14 Jan 2002 <http://abcnews.go.com/sections/tech/geek/geek990726.html>. Caruso, Michelle and Nicholas Maier. They’re Killing Our Children. Boca Raton: AMI Book, Inc., 2002. Delorme Topo USA Version 3.0 Software. Yarmouth: DeLorme. 2001. - - -. ”Polly Klaas”. Map of Petaluma, California with Disappearance Chart overlay. - - -. ”Samantha Runnion”. Map of Stanton, California with Disappearance Chart overlay. - - -. ”Sara Anne Wood” Map of Frankfort, New York with Disappearance Chart overlay. - - -. ”Steven Stayner”. Map of Merced,California with Disappearance Chart overlay. Douglas, John., and Mark Olshaker. Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit. New York: Scribner, 1995. Echols, Mike. I Know My First Name is Steven. New York: Kensington Publishing Corp., 1991. - - -. “Re: Steven Stayner.” E-mail to Renee Francis. 15 Feb. 2002. George, Llewellyn. The New A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1910. Hand, Robert. Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living. Pennsylvania: Whitford Press. fifteenth printing, June 1987. “Jung & Astrology.” Excerpts of The Freud/Jung Letters. The Zodiac Master. 26 Sept. 2006 <http://thezodiac.com/astrojung2>. Kate, Williams. “Lent Gets 25 to Life for Kidnapping Murder.” South Coast Today. 12 Apr. 1997. 27 June 2001 <http://www.s-t.com/daily/or-97/or-12-97/a10sr071.htm>. March, Marion., and Joan McEvers. The Only Way to …Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology. San Diego: ACS Publications. 1994. Noe, Denise. “Profile of Polly.” Court TV Crime Library. 12 Nov. 2006 <http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/predators/klaas/1.html>. “Sara Anne Wood”. The Doe Network. Case File 851DFNY. :. 15 Nov. 2006 <http://doenetwork.us/cases/851dfny.html>. SPSA – The Society for Planetary Seti Research, “Mr. Erol Torun.”. 20 Nov. 2006 <http://spsr.utsi.edu/members/eroltorun.html>. “State Attorney General releases Child Homicide Study”. 13 May 1997. 25 Jun 2003 <http://www.wa.gov/ago/releases/rel_homicide_051397.html>. Torun, Erol. “Re:Celestial Longitude and Compass Roses.” E-mail to Renee Francis, 19 Feb. 2002. Torun, Erol. “Re:Packaged Arrived.” E-mail to Renee Francis, 27 March. 2002. |