Brendan Santo
East Lansing, Michigan
Brendan Thomas Santo Date of Birth
Point of Disappearance
Interactive map in the Matter of Victim
- Link to Interactive Map in the Matter of BRENDAN SANTO to be viewed in its own Browser window for OPTIMUM VIEWING and INTERACTION.
Written Analysis for Brendan Santo
The chart to the left is a collection of Brendans' birth chart for April 1, 2003 in Rochester, Michigan with progressions up to the age of his disappearance; and the triggering position of the planets on the night he went missing erected for 11:45 PM.
This 11:45 PM time is adjusted for when the rising sign at the most east part of the horizon as seen from East Lansing was forming an aspect to natal planets in Brendan's birth chart; including Mars by progression. Which will be discussed below. I am thinking it was very near to this 11:45 PM time that Brendan ran into trouble. Another time would of been at 11:21 PM based on my observations of his natal Mercury. |
Brendan at birth has a Mercury Saturn sextile with Saturn in opposition to Pluto; and Mercury in Trine to Pluto. This three legged aspect is leading me to believe that his limbs--arm or legs (Mercury) is hung up (Saturn) in murkey water (Pluto). Pluto could also be any sort of drainage system or a system that controls or regulates the moving water. The aspect sort of sends the image of a DAM or perhaps even DOCKS or manmade drainage outlets.
I understand that a water search is not only a grueling endeavor but dangerous and time consuming in that each area needs to be thoroughly searched so that is can be cleared before you move on to the next area. I am hoping the work I have done over the last 30 years will offer something to those planning the search of the Red Cedar for Brendan in that something mentioned here might throw light on what is know about the surrounding areas of the Red Cedar. To do this, and with focusing on the Interactive Map provided ... I've also taken a look at the Syntax of his full name BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO. This entails seeing what word vibrations exist in his name which might have a direct influence over his predictament of being missing. It's a technique that has served me in correctly directing attention to terraine and water recoveries in other cases of missing people. It's obvious, due to your continued intensive search of the Red Cedar, that you have information that is leading you there. The Map I have produced will show what areas of the Red Cedar were being highlighted by planetary directions when he went missing. I've vectored 7 planetary pattens for your review, and will use his name syntax to help hone in on which of these patterns should prove to be more fruitful for a recovery. BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO holds within it the words, NBA, BAT, ARENA which would be highlightening the area of the university sports complexes within S Harrison Rd, Beal Street, and Kalamazoo Street. The Moon Jupiter Uranus TSquare pattern has its finishing point on the compass moving over the areas of the Red Cedar that are Southwest of his Point of Disappearance from the dorm where he was last know to be leaving before his disappearance. Another area of the river is just north of the Breslin Events center and Berkowitz Basketball complex. There is also a Magic Johnson (NBA) Statute in this area. It should entrigue you to learn that the words in his name, BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO, can be syntaxed to tell us, N DEATH S MOON STAR NBA. The S stands for South. Again the Moon Jupiter Uranus TSquare highlights that area. One of the reasons I felt strongly about working on Brendan's case and reaching out to Law Enforcement is that when I found the word SOS and used it in a syntax, I was able to string SOS RENA---DAM N HOT BAT (N). Understand the N in parathesis is a letter that is left over from the name string BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO. Another 3 very clueful anagrams are N SONAR DEATH AS TOMB (N), --- (N) SAND AREA HOST TOMB, and lastly (N) A MORON DEATH, STABS. Let me explain below these 4 grouped anagrammed syntaxes of his name more clearly. My name is Renee, which is pronounced RENA. Part of the Moon Jupiter Uranus pattern is also moving over the John H. Kobs Baseball fields (HOT BAT). Kobs complied a record of 574 wins, 377 losses and 16 ties over his 38 years as MSU's baseball coach. That's a HOT BAT, right? I think Brendan is trying to relay to me that he doesn't want you to give up on this area of the Red Cedar near the sporting complexes. You should also be intrigued to see that Brendan's life thus far has people using SONAR to find his DEATH in a murkey watered TOMB. I anchored the word TOMB and found N SAND AREA HOST TOMB. This could help us--- in that he is telling us that he is at the BOTTOM of the river within the SAND. I was able to anchor the two words BOTTOM and SAND and SEA for a syntax AH! N RN SEA BOTTOM SAND. The letters RN of course stand for Registered Nurse, a person who helps us maintain health. Perhaps this syntaxed anagram of Brendan's name is telling us he is being maintained or stuck in one area at the bottom of the river in the sand. I don't believe when we die, its all over for us. Our energy in released into the ethers all around us. I truely believe that those who have passed can communicate with us. I tend to communicate with the dead through their names, its something that I began to explore in my youth. Learning more about measuring the compass bearing and distances from point of disappearance to point of remains recovery and coorelating those details to planetary patterns came later. I typically don't share this part of my work, but feel its necessary here to get my point across. Moving forward, Although I also believe that college campuses are dangerous places due to increased drug use by kids who are now able to go overboard without the threat of a peering parent, I'm not exactly confident that this was an accident of Brendan's own doing. I found the words DORM TENANT BASH A SON as an anagram for the name BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO. I think we can all consider Brendan as if he was our own child away at college. This anagram wouldn't be so interesting if Brendan didn't actually go missing from a college campus, hence the word string DORM TENANT. Moreover, is that his name is suggesting, OH! NBA DORM TENANT ASS. Makes me wonder how likely it would be for Brendan to have run into a group of other athlete males/student living on campus who may be on the Basketball team? Do the sports teams house in the same dorms? Was there one he would pass on his trek back to Brody? Brendan was wearing a Yzerman Detroit hat when he went missing. An item that could of sparked an incident with a group of male athletes he passed while trying to get back to the dorm where he was suppose to spend the night. More importantly, I can actually even anchor the word HAT with DORM ASS and the word NAB, for the telling anagram NOTE, DORM ASS NAB HAT, with the letter N left over. Seems like Brendans' name is telling us he ran into trouble. It's not unlikely for athletic males to have inflated egos while a big rival game is about to be take place on their campus. Add alcohol and now you got unrulely athleic males with inflated egos. AN HAT MOBSTERS ADO (NN) is just one more anagram that can be born of the name BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO and suggests a problem with tough guys and his hat. The word ADO is a state of agitation and fuss. HARASSMENT is also another word living inside Brendan's full name. Perhaps these anagrams are true but not at this time in his disappearance, perhaps another time in his life? I could very well be picking up on an incident that occurred in his life time but not at his disappearance? That's were the trouble for me lies when I syntax names. But, If I were able to ask someone who would know, I would ask them if Brendan ever had trouble with males and his hat before he went missing. If the answer is no, we can surely bet the anagram has something to do with his disappearance now. The planet Mars is masculine and it is violent. Mars was 29° of Libra on the night of Brendans disappearance and it was forming an opposition aspect to Brendan's progressed Sun at 29º of Aries at 11:45 PM the night of his disappearance. Oppositions have a strong tendency to allow us Astrologers to point to people who present themselves as an opposition to the person of our interest. I believe Brenden ran into a physical opposition with a male student living on campus. But this male student wasn't alone. Mars' was conjunct the Sun and Mercury that night, so I would wage a bet that Brendan was up against 3 males that night in this run in. In addition, the fact that the Sun was in a disassociated aspect by conjunction to Mars indicates that one of the males may not be connected to the MSU campus as a student, but perhaps a brother to one of them in the group. While Brendans' HAT is the subject, I want to address another troubling anagram I found of his name, BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO anchoring the word HAT. I found the words RED and BOATS. Brendans' RED HAT belongs to Steven Yzerman who played for the Detroit RED wings. So could the words, O MAN! RED HAT N BOATS with the letter N and S left over suggest that Brendan's HAT could of wended with the river and will be found near were boats are docked or stored? Could it be considered that his HAT could make its way to the area where the Princess Steamboat is docked? Could that area be checked for his HAT? Or even for him? Is this distance a possibility? I have this area highlighted in my map. His name brought the area to my attention when I found the word STEAMBOAT in his name. Initially, in my first writing to you I had my attention on an area of the Red Cedar with the DAM near the Office of Admissions, which is also a part of the Moon Jupiter Uranus TSquare on the compass; and this area also has the Spartan Stadium nearby just south of Red Cedar Road. I wrote about this area, because from my view its the only DAM type area I can see from an arial view of the river near these sports complexes. Plus his name holds the word DAM, which we could consider as him being caught up near an area of the River that has a DAM. But is this the only DAM? During that earlier writing to you, I found SOS! ON DAM AREA with the letters BT N TNT left over. Not sure what to do with the left over letters, except that BT could stand for Brendan Thomas, and TNT could stand for explosives. SOS! BT DAM AREA ON TNT. Is there anything near or in the river that has anything to do with explosives now or in the past? Thinking about controlled demolish for some reason. This could be something that happened long ago maybe having to do with construction of the Bridges crossing the River. I've seen peoples names offer so many uncanny accuracies that you wouldn't think to make connections too. So its important I bring it up. Now in contrast, if there was not foul play, as I continued to work on his name and anchoring the word DAM, I am wondering if his name could be saying, DAM HAT! NOT SOBER with the letters NNAS left over. Not sure what those left over letters could stand for; but Was it windy the night he disappeared? Could his Hat be the reason he wandered nearer to the river while crossing one of the bridges over the Red Cedar? Thinking that Bridges are not unlikely to be built without using explosives to remove rocks to set the foundation to hold the substructure. This is just a thought of mine trying to understand this anagram string of his name BRENDAN THOMAS SANTO. It would be very interesting to me to learn if the dogs picked up a point of entry into the River very near to one of the bridges? Or could the fact be he may have been too intoxicated to go up against 3 males? I'm leaning on foul play. Lastly, before closing. I don't always feeled compelled to reach out a second time to Law Enforcement on missing person cases. But clearly, I don't feel Brendan was done communicating with me when I sent in the link to his Interactive Map on 12/6 to the tips email address. As a matter of fact, while shopping yesterday, I encountered a homeless man standing at the entrance to Walmart appealing for money for food. I don't carry cash so I took him inside and bought him Subway sandwich inside the store. As we stood in line, I nosily started asking him questions about where he was from, his name, if was in need of medication, and explained that there was a mission in Youngstown where he could go for help. He told me he had just gotten off the bus from Kalamazoo, Michigan. That answer immediately brought my attention over to Brendan and I chuckled to myself because I was actually pushed to go to the store after telling myself I would wait till tomorrow. I remembered one of the areas of the Red Cedar River was Kalamazoo Street. Anyway, I paid for his sandwich and went on my way. When I left the store, I stopped our our Austintown Police Station to report the homeless man, because I figured there could be Michigan warrants out for him if he was telling me the truth, if not, I was hoping our social services here could intervene and get him off the streets for the night as it was bitter cold. I don't believe in coincidences---what are the chances I would run into a homeless man who just got off a bus from Kalamazoo Michigan? I food shop once every 3 weeks, honestly. I feel like the whole incident was a nudge from Brendan telling me I wasn't done looking at his case. I came home and I thought I should send in what I found about him running into some opposition on campus. You can think what you will of my work, but I assure you with Christmas upon us I more prompted to write here at length, sharing what I found in the string of syntaxes for his name, than bake cookies. I'm hoping something written here or in my map will confirm or highlight some of your own findings in this matter to date. When I followed up on the homeless man later in the evening, although the officer couldn't tell me much, it was relayed he did in fact have outstanding warrants. At the very least if your investigation is considering foul play perhaps something here will point to a person of interest. Please before you discount whats written here based on the methods used, take into account that sound today is being used in the medical field to heal, and there is plenty of research being done on how sound has the ability to shape matter---such as water and sand. Brendan Thomas Santo has its own frequency of sound vibrations when written, spoken or thought of---and these vibration that will manifest as events in his life. And In regards to the map and planetary patterns, please keep in mind, espicallly during this holiday season, that 3 wise men known as the Magi followed a star to find baby Jesus. There is an ample amount of case studies at our site illustrating how the geometrics of the planets against the terrain offered the distance and compass bearings to the whereabouts for the remains of over 300 souls. Please consider all the vectors in all the patterns in his map that go over the River. I feel strongly that they can help target a resting place for Brendan. Praying for the safety of your divers as you undergo the task of searching the Red Cedar River for Brendan, I remain, Respectfully submitted, Renee Francis 330-559-1032. UPDATE: JANUARY 9, 2022
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