Jennifer Kesse
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Orlando, Florida
Interactive Map for Whereabouts in the Matter of Jennifer Kesse
- Link to Interactive Map in the Matter of Jennifer Joyce Kesse to be viewed in its own broswer window for optimum interaction and viewing.
Last Known Contact on Phone with boyfriend
Jenn's Car Parked at Country Green Apartment - January 24th, 2006 @ 12:00:26 PM
Jenns' Birth Chart - May 20th, 1981 @ 8:45 AM Tampa, Florida
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Astrological Profile for Jennifer Kesse
Jennifer's Physical Condition at the Time of this Crime
The chart illustrates Jenn's natal birth chart rectified for 10:00 AM on 5/20/1981 in Orlando, Florida. The most inner wheel is her birth planets. (UPDATE 6/20: Born 8:45AM near Tampa). The outer wheel is Jenn's natal planets progressed to the date of disappearance, 1/24/2006. Handwritten on the outside are the planetary transits for 9:57 PM on 1/23/2006 for when Jennifer was last know to be alive talking on the phone with her boyfriend Rob who was located in Ft. Launderdale. Both lights, the Sun and Moon, are being afflicted---not only at her birth, but at the date of her disappearance----suggesting a loss of life could occur at this time. |
Below are the aspects considered in suggesting that death occurred to Jennifer at the time of her disappearance.
Jennifer's Moon Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius is leading me to believe she is a Marshy type environment that is near a road used for long distance travel ---- and because of this aspect, I am hopeful that she will either surface from severe weather changes to the landscape.
Update 6/20/16: In addition, this aspect suggests travel by water---which means marshy areas near marinas ----after exploring some other such types cases, I inclined to rethink matters in other cases, and I'm inclined to suggest that this road used for long distance travel, could very well be a waterway. Pluto is the planet that rules the corpse. Jennifer has Pluto is a beautiful trine to Mercury at her birth---suggesting a strong possibility that a part of her may surface and become visible making it ideal for someone to happen upon her. Pray for hurricanes. Ideally because of Mercurys' involvement here a confession or a tip could also bring closure, or even a piece of paper or anything used to communicate could send things in the right direction. My Chart to Map technique used to site locations for searches is a reflection of the chart erected for when Jenn's phone call with Rob ended. I used the measurement of the planets in both their signs and total degrees of longitude to draw radius' and vector bearing out over Jenns' home. The radius' will offer distance possibilities and the vector bearings offer direction. I've literally taken the planets, flipped them 90 degrees and put them at ground level. The planets measurements offering location in the cases of the missing has happened over and over again over the past 30 years that I've been looking. It's accurrancy can't not be ignored. However, the frustrating element is that one of the planets may give us her direction, while yet another gives the mileage, and yet another give TN compass bearing. |
Longitude Grid
Astrological Time Line of Events
Below is an Astrological Time Line that pin points times when natal planets in Jennifer's own birth chart were being triggered by the zodiac sign rising at the most east point during the time on January 23rd at 9:57 PM when she last spoke with her boyfriend and 12:00 Noon on the 24th for when her car was caught on video footage being parked at HOTG Apartments. These planetary triggers can be used to help paint a picture of events as they unfolded the night Jennifer disappeared. I give only my experienced thoughts on how they might have inclined as behavior.
Noted in Red in this above chart are the times of critical importance because they are factual verified time of events, and I use the first time as my anchor -----
SPECIAL NOTE: I always give all time periods a 5 degree orb which means it is in effect 10 minutes before the exact time. So this should be considered when examining phone pings and phone calls---and any other tangible evidence noted by times that have already been uncovered during this investigation--- such as credit card use, tolls, etc. When you look at the chart, look at those times in groups, it will tell a story of how the night unfolded in my interpretations. Crictical Point 9:57 AM - We know Jennifer is Alive and on the Phone with Rob Group #1
It's near this time where things begin to go south for Jennifer
It's near this time that something terribly wrong happens to Jennifer and her Death is by asphyxiation.
Interpretation: Jennifer got off the phone with Rob and was surprised in person by someone she knows who she felt she could trust. He used an event or ruse to get her to take a ride with him and or to meet him some place and he didn't give up until she agreed. She throws clothes on and heads out. After 2:00 AM arrangements to make Jennifer's disappearance appear strange involve getting someone to help with her car ... and/or picked up her car where she met him or her condo complex. |
Who is Responsible for Jennifers' disappearance?
I consider the Sun and the planet Mars in a missing person's chart to set the stage for an identity profile of the person responsible; because it is the Sun and Mars in ones horoscopes that depicts the male archetypes in our lives whether for good or evil.
For Jenn, born 5/20/1981 their positions in the signs are as follows:
I will use Jennifer's Sun and Mars at birth to paint a picture of her assailant by way of zodiacal sign placement and the aspects each make to other planets, as well as, the tightest aspects happening by transit to her stars at the time of her disappearance. It is my opinion that Jenn's birth chart reveals someone she knows and not a stranger or an acquaintance brought this crime upon her. |
Here is a condensed line of logic for the foretelling of the Sun and Mars
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