Update February 5, 2017
Interactive Map in the matter of Karina Vetrano (always refresh Browser)
Below is an interactive map highlighting areas and directions for the residence possibilities of Karina's killer as outlined in the geometric patterns produced by the angles of the planets (as listed above) at the time of this crime along side the birth chart of Karina Vetrano for 7/12/86 over the location of where her remains were recovered.
- Link to our INTERACTIVE MAP for Karina Vetrano to be viewed in its own browser window. (Best Used)
- Link to our Youtube Video for Karina Vetrano explaining this work and how to use the Interactive Map constructed on her behalf.
- Items in the map can be turned on and off and areas can be zoomed in and out.
- Best viewed on a desktop or tablet.
- This map is being updated as of January 4, 2017 with new information
Planetary Patterns AT CRIME to be used for Finding Assailants Residence
Planetary Patterns for the time Karina was
Last Seen on surveillance video
Planetary Patterns AT bIRTH to be used for Finding Assailants Residence
Planetary Patterns in Karina Vetrano 's Birth Chart
See Interactive Map Below
Case Examples to Support Our Map
Geometry of Aspects offering a direction to the Residence of Karina's Assailant
Below are 3 separate cases of abducted/murdered females that we would like to use to support our efforts in trying to narrow down directions and mileage distances for the residence of Karina's assailant/assailants. In each case, we illustrate how
- the disappearance chart centered over the location of remains recovery will off the planetary patterns directing to the assailants home address, as well as,
- the victims birth chart over the remains recovery will also offer the planetary patterns that can direct to the possibilities of the assailants home address
- This means we can work backwards in a new cases where we have a location for remains recovery but no known assailant.
Cherish Perriwinkle - Jacksonville, Florida
Cherish Perrywinkle was walked right out of Walmart at 10:41 PM on June 21, 2013 when Donald Smith befriended her mother and was granted permission to take her to MacDonalds for a burger. It wasn't until around 11:00 PM her mother suspected something was wrong and called police. Perrywinkles' remain were recovered the 12 hours later at 10:32 AM 2 miles away in a creek behind Highlands Baptist Church on Broward Road in Jacksonville.
The location of Perrywinkles' remains is a 166° True North Vector Bearing to his Smiths' residence which can otherwise be considered as 16° of Virgo. The Moon and Mars at the time her disappearance were opposing each other and forming a square to this point. At Cherish's birth, the Moon opposed a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Sagittarius in degrees that also squared this point. Smith, at his birth has a Sun/Jupiter conjunction at 11 and 12 degrees Virgo that also formed a conjunction to this point with an opposition to Mars in Pisces that squared the point. All forming aspects to form the Grand Square from her remains recovery to Smiths' residence were within orb the allowable orb of 5 degrees---except for Perrywinkles' Moon for which only a time of exact birth. |
Jessica Ridgeway - Westminister, Colorado
Jessica Ridgeway was abducted on October 5, 2012 @ 8:30 AM a few feet away from her Moore Street home upon leaving for school. Sanitation workers found Ridgeway's remains five days later on October 10th. On October 23rd, Austin Sigg confessed to his mother that he abducted Jessica by pulling her into his car and driving back to his residence where he strangled and dismembered her.
From the point of recovery of Jessica remains to her assailants address there was 5.37 direct miles as offered by Uranus' 6 degree measurement at the time of disappearance. The true north vector bearing from the remains to his address was 064°. This bearing can also be expressed as 4° of Gemini. |
The abduction chart in the Ridgeway case
In the matter of Direction: The true north vector bearing from the remains to Sigss address was 064°, a bearing that can also be expressed as 4° of Gemini. Siggs residence was located on the opposite end of Mars' T-Square to the Venus / Neptune opposition.
In the matter of Distance: From the point of recovery of Jessica remains to her assailants address there was 5.37 direct miles as offered by Uranus' 6 degree measurement at the time of disappearance
In the matter of Direction: The true north vector bearing from the remains to Sigss address was 064°, a bearing that can also be expressed as 4° of Gemini. Siggs residence was located on the opposite end of Mars' T-Square to the Venus / Neptune opposition.
In the matter of Distance: From the point of recovery of Jessica remains to her assailants address there was 5.37 direct miles as offered by Uranus' 6 degree measurement at the time of disappearance
Cherish Perrywinkles' Birth Chart erected for Sunrise
In the matter of Direction: Jessica's own Sun / Mercury conjunction formed a 120° trine to this point 064° vector bearing.
In the matter of Distance: Jessica's Venus measured 05° and 35 minutes of Aquarius offering near the 5.37 direct miles from the point of remains recovery to her assailants address.
In the matter of Direction: Jessica's own Sun / Mercury conjunction formed a 120° trine to this point 064° vector bearing.
In the matter of Distance: Jessica's Venus measured 05° and 35 minutes of Aquarius offering near the 5.37 direct miles from the point of remains recovery to her assailants address.
Stefanny Lopez Castro - Willington, North Carolina
This is a case with a happy ending. Steffanny Castro was abducted from her front yard on September 14, 2016 by Douglas Edwards at 4:30 PM. An Amber Alert was issued. Police found her alive the morning borrowing bolt cutters from a passerby to free her from being chained to a tree. 46 years old registered Sex Offender, Douglas Edwards, was charged with first-degree kidnapping.
Between the location of Steffany recovery to her assailants address there was 3.5 miles as offered by the sum of Jupiters' 1 degree sextile to the 2 degree ascentdant at the time of her disappearance. The true north vector bearing from the location of her recovery to his address was 139°. This bearing can also be expressed as 19° of Leo. Douglas' residence was 3° away of an exact finishing point of Triangle being formed by the trine between the planets Mars and Uranus at the time of the abduction. |
Planetary Profile for Karina Vetrano
Karina's Birth Chart Over The Chart For When She Was Last See Alive
@ 5:46 PM On 8/2/2016 |
Note in this chart to the left erected for 8/2/16 at 5:46 PM for Howard, Queens NY for when Karina was last seen alive on Surveillance video that the Sun and Moon are both measuring 11 degrees of Leo.
It was startling to learn from reported interviews with her parents that Karina's favorite number was 11. Personally, I think this number 11 could very well by connected to the person who brought this harm to Karina. Whether it be
The Moon is ruling the house of open enemies in this chart when she was last seen alive and its trine to Saturn---that means this opponent is not a stranger to Karina. That he is in the neighborhood because he belongs there whether through family or work.
Its been understood that Karina worked in the food n beverage industry --a position that I am most familiar with and know it is not uncommon to be acquainted with an uncountable lot of men ---men who could very well misconstrue the hospitality of a female service worker. The fact that Mercury is ruling the house of work relationships in this chart and squaring Saturn I'm inclined to believe this male has crossed her path through one of the restaurants she has worked. Since the planet Mercury is in retrograde motion at the time of her own birth, I would look for men who may have just recently returned to the area from having been away, ---such as a military term.
The Moon, at 5:46 PM had already passed the Sun by 32 minutes, putting the Sun (man) behind her (Moon). So I believe he came up behind her when he attacked her and did not confront her face to face.
The chart to the right is a reflection of the measurement of all the planets at the time of this crime, noted in red are numbers that we connected to this event. The others could figure in as well, and are just important. For instance,
Its been understood that Karina worked in the food n beverage industry --a position that I am most familiar with and know it is not uncommon to be acquainted with an uncountable lot of men ---men who could very well misconstrue the hospitality of a female service worker. The fact that Mercury is ruling the house of work relationships in this chart and squaring Saturn I'm inclined to believe this male has crossed her path through one of the restaurants she has worked. Since the planet Mercury is in retrograde motion at the time of her own birth, I would look for men who may have just recently returned to the area from having been away, ---such as a military term.
The Moon, at 5:46 PM had already passed the Sun by 32 minutes, putting the Sun (man) behind her (Moon). So I believe he came up behind her when he attacked her and did not confront her face to face.
The chart to the right is a reflection of the measurement of all the planets at the time of this crime, noted in red are numbers that we connected to this event. The others could figure in as well, and are just important. For instance,
- Jupiter at 22 Virgo was exactly opposing Karina's own natal Jupiter at 22 Pisces--its almost uncanny that its measurement in total degrees of celestial longitude are also the numbers that appear in Karina's date of birth, as 7/12. This is disturbing, because it suggests that Karina's assailant could go back in time perhaps 11 or 12 years ago---so I ask, who and what was going on with men in Karina's life when she was 19 years old---and who just returned to the neighborhood after the long lapse of time---such as military service.
- Venus at 26 Leo was trining Uranus on this day, and her measurement at 146 total degrees of celestial longitude is the same numbers that appear in the street 164th that leads onto the path of Spring Creek Park where it is believed Karina entered the park. This aspect suggests to me that she ran past him in his vehicle and he followed her, but he entered the park along the true north vector bearing being offered by her own Sun at 110 degrees which is running right across the south by west end of the park near 165th Street. (see the interactive map)
The disappearance chart suggests that this man is in the neighborhood because he belongs there, whether through work or a connection to family or friends. I don't think you are looking for a homeless heroine addict as suggested by some of the articles that have surfaced about the un-favorable element that visits Spring Creek Park. It is in our experienced opinion that we believe someone Karina knows took the opportunity to move on the impulse of emotional revenge.
Numbers to Pay Attention to that could offer details about this crime
The number in the charts below are very important to this crime against Karina. These numbers can and will show up as factual numerics that parallel numerica details in this case, such as a date of birth for her assailant, his address, or any other detail or date in time that may surround the unfoldment of this case.
Arian Birth dates for Assailant - Possible date of birth could fall between March 20 thru April 19
The dates below that do not fall into this period of time are still potent because the two planets Mercury and Venus travel so close to the Sun that they themselves may be positioned in Aries during these date outside of the range offered above. Mercury and Venus never travel more than 28° and 48° away from the Sun, so this person could have the planets strongly influenced at birth for which will give him Arian traits. Arian traits on the negative side are prone to fighting, being a bully and violence in general. On the positive it could also give this individual skilled traits in the more dangerous of fields that require a strong physical constitution.
Karina's BC offers: Jupiter 3/25 - Saturn 3/24 - PSun 3/18 - PVenus 3/18 - PJupiter 3/15 - PNeptune 3/27
Event Stars offers: Sun & Moon 3/11 - Neptune 3/14
The dates below that do not fall into this period of time are still potent because the two planets Mercury and Venus travel so close to the Sun that they themselves may be positioned in Aries during these date outside of the range offered above. Mercury and Venus never travel more than 28° and 48° away from the Sun, so this person could have the planets strongly influenced at birth for which will give him Arian traits. Arian traits on the negative side are prone to fighting, being a bully and violence in general. On the positive it could also give this individual skilled traits in the more dangerous of fields that require a strong physical constitution.
Karina's BC offers: Jupiter 3/25 - Saturn 3/24 - PSun 3/18 - PVenus 3/18 - PJupiter 3/15 - PNeptune 3/27
Event Stars offers: Sun & Moon 3/11 - Neptune 3/14
Works Cited
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3785567/Surveillance-video-shows-slain-jogger-Karina-Vetrano-daily-run-just-moments-sexually-assaulted-murdered-park-trail.html