Serenity Dennard
Interactive Map for Whereabouts in Progress as of February 4th, 2019 ---Updates in Progress for time of Birth 4/4/2019
Rockville, South Dakota
Serenity June Dennard
Point of Disappearance
Case Analysis Update: Received Time of Birth 4/4/2019
Interactive Map for whereabouts in the Matter of Serenity Dennard
- Link to Interactive Map in the Matter of Serenity Dennard to be viewed in its own Browser Window for OPTIMUM VIEWING and INTERACTION.
- Video Completed in the Matter of Serenity Dennard
- Below the map is a guide on how to Interact with our Map constructed her Serenity's behalf.
Celestial Longitude of Planets at Time of Disappearance, Birth and Progressions to Disppearance
Updated 4/4/2019 to reflect an analysis of Time of Birth Received
Natal Aspects to Health (In Progress)
Progressions (In Progress)
Transits (In Progress)
- Sun at birth is afflicted by a Square to a JupiterNeptune conjunction ----could suggest a threat to life from over exposure (Jupiter) to weather (Neptune)
- Natal Moon at Birth separates from a conjunction to Pluto; another indication that the life force energy is threaten.
- 1st House - Sag/Jupiter 2nd in Aquarius in 2nd ruling 3rd
- 6th House - Mercury 5th in Gemini ruling 6th, 7th and 9th
- 8th House - Sun 5th in Taurus
- 12th House - Sag/ Jupiter 2nd ruling 3rd
Progressions (In Progress)
- Progressed Moon at 10 Taurus moves applys towards Saturn
- Progressed Sun un-aspected by a major angle---but being triggered by a fleeting Moon Transit
Transits (In Progress)
- Transit Venus ruler of the natal Sun applies to Pluto suggests that life could end at this time.
- At time of disappearance Pluto is exactly in Trine to natal Sun and suggest life could end at this time.
- Transit Neptune to natal Saturn exact - See the Saturn Neptune Sextile pattern in map.
- Transit Moon is Trine to progressed Sun - See any pattern involving the Sun.
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