DATE: February 7th, 2025
TO: Payette County Sheriff Huff - @[email protected]
FROM: Renee Francis - AMAP 330-559-1032
RE: Syntax Analysis and Interactive Map for Whereabouts in the matter of Michael Joseph Vaughan
Interactive map for in the Matter of Victim
- Interactive Map for Whereabouts and Syntax Analysis in Progress as of July 29th, 2021
- Link to Interactive Map in the Matter of MICHAEL VAUGHAN that can be viewed in its own Browser window for OPTIMUM VIEWING and INTERACTION.
Planetary Pattern aNALYSIS for Day and Time of Disappearance
The Disappearance Chart to the left has been adjusted to be erected is for 6:37 PM when the Ascendant at 24° Sagittarius (the most east point of the horizon) was at a point that would trigger Michael's own natal Uranus at 24° Aries and Sarah Wondra's MarsUranus From experience in these types of cases, it is nearest to this time that I would wage Michael would of met up with trouble in his neighborhood.
Physical Health at time of Disappearance
Physical health is an issue mostly described by the position and condition of the Sun and Moon in the natal birth chart of the missing victim.
The exact time of birth sets the stage for where in the chart all planets will fall; moreover is the sign of the Ascendant which will give clues to health of the body at the time of disappearance; in the addition the sign signature on the 4th house of cusp and its rulers will give 'clues' to a resting place for remains; such as water or ground environment. Calling a missing childs circumstances a 'remains recovery' is not an easy estimate, especially when I'm not privy to having the exact time of birth of the child to be apart of my consideration. I am attemping to do so anyway. |
Condition of the two lights the Sun and Moon without a time of Birth
- Updated analysis based on the arrest of Sarah Anne Wondra of 1102 Redwing Street
Natal Sun 3° Cancer / Progressed Sun 8° Cancer both Trine to Natal Neptune at 12° Pisces (trouble in neighborhood)
- Sun in Cancer at 3° being hit with a transit from Jupiter at 00° Pisces could put Michaels' life force energy at risk. Jupiter would suggest more of an accident than a willful intention.
- Micheals' progressed Sun at the time of his disappearance at 08° of Cancer is within wide range orb of forming an applying opposition with Pluto at 16° Capricorn; yet getting closer by trine aspect to Neptune. The Sun is male, and Venus is female, in the sign of cancer and in trine aspect to Neptune it suggests a man and a women in the neighborhood could be responsible for disappearance. I would personally like to see this aspects a bit closer for a death to happen on the day of disappearance. Seems more likely to me death at a young age would be nearer to the age 14 or 16 with the Sun progressed to Pluto. However, it could suggest within 8 days after his disappearance he could of expired.
- Natal Moon was 22° of Aquarius at sunrise on the day of his birth ---moving 1 degree every two hours---so if Michael was born near to sunrise or after his exact natal Moon position would be getting a hard hit from the natal Mars at 23 Scorpio Retrograde. Mars in apsect to any of the lights, Sun or Moon, is detrimental to one's health and could suggest death by external forces and not by sickness.
- on July 27th in 2021 Mars was at the 28th degree of Leo which would be opposition to his own natal Moon which I believe is the cause of his disppearance. The Moon is women and Mars is machines, guns, murder, cars, etc. The digging of a yard in a womens' home in the neighborhood is this aspect that he has at his birth.
- GRAND SQUARE MERCURY JUPITER SATURN NEPTUNE - The fact that your persons of interest have a taxi service is quite the eye opener. Here are keywords for each of those planets WALKING/CARS - TRANSPORT - BURDEN - HIDDEN. If I could know, I would want to know where every one of their services took place from place of pick-up to delivery. Feels like his location could be connected to a location they have already been, and remembered. TOTAL DEGREES 19 + 16 + 11 + 12 = 58 Miles distance to remains?
Nasa's Jet Pulpution Labatory meausures the planets against a 360° ecliptic, with 0° beginning at the spring equinox when the Sun moves into Aries in their total degrees of celestial longitude. They in turn share the data with Ephemeris' publishers and the Naval Observatories. The planets can also be meausured and expressed by their degree into each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. During the course of my observation into abducted children and remains recovery I have seen these meausrements turn up as actual numercal facts to the particulars of the case surrounding the individual.
In regards to the Longitude portion of this writing, its quite normal for the measurement in celestial longitude of the planets position at one's birth to perfectly date and foretell the dates, address, roads and other details of major life events, such as the details that may occur for an abduction. As a matter of fact, you never know just how or when they will show up. For instance,
I learned that Michael's address was 911 SW 9th. This number 911 was present for Mercurys' 119° position along the ecliptic at the time of his disappearance, its just inverted. The Sun was 5° of Leo. The Sun rules over children and Michael is 5 years old at disappearance.
In regards to the Longitude portion of this writing, its quite normal for the measurement in celestial longitude of the planets position at one's birth to perfectly date and foretell the dates, address, roads and other details of major life events, such as the details that may occur for an abduction. As a matter of fact, you never know just how or when they will show up. For instance,
I learned that Michael's address was 911 SW 9th. This number 911 was present for Mercurys' 119° position along the ecliptic at the time of his disappearance, its just inverted. The Sun was 5° of Leo. The Sun rules over children and Michael is 5 years old at disappearance.
Please see the chart above for other ideas on these numerals and how they could be connected somehow to Michaels' case.
Update 2/1/2023: To be finished in VideoPersons of Interest
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