![]() It has been some thirty years since child predator, Richard Allen Davis, acted upon his perverse impulse to conduct one of the ugliest crimes imaginable. Brazingly, Davis removed POLLY HANNAH KLASS right out from under the safety of her own bedroom while she was in the middle of enjoying a slumber party with friends. It was approximately 10:15 PM on October 1st in 1993 when Davis stole her to leave her for dead under PLANKS of PLYwood some 50 miles away from her home in Petaluma, California. There is reason why I put the word PLANKS and the letters PLY for PLYwood in bold captial letters. Words are very important in regards to the missing, as I will be explaining here in this writing. However for right now, know that ... The details of Polly's case is one of the reasons why AMAP keeps working to learn more about how to make whereabouts predictable by using the geometric angles offered by the measurable planets at the time of disappearance; Because there are children still missing and because America could of gotten Polly back ---shaken, but alive. ![]() Petaluma's All Points Bulletin on Polly's abduction didn't span the miles. Polly was tied and gagged in the brush nearby while Sonoma County Deputies detained her killer on private property for trespassing on Pythian Road. Petulama Police kept the APB (All Points Bulletin) local; So the Sonoma Country deputies weren't aware that someone just snatched a child from her home an hour earlier out of another Sonoma County town.The Sonoma Country Deputies didn't have a reason to take a more in-depth background peek at the man with his Pinto stuck in a ditch. I learned in the first line of the third chapter of Barry Bortnicks' book, "Polly Klaas: The Murder of America's Child" that it was 24 driving miles from Polly's home on 4th Street in Petaluma to the intersection of Route 12 and Pythian Road where Davis embarked on private property with Polly in tow. I found these details interesting to cite, because at 10:15 PM on October 1st in 1993 both the Moon and the planet Saturn were both measuring 24 degrees of their respective zodiac positions, Aries and Aquarius. While Venus in Virgo measured 12 degrees---which is the vectored compass bearing I measured from Pollys' home to the intersection of Route 12 and Pythian Road. In the image below, I illustrate the intersection of Rt. 12 and Pythian Road. By the way, all the letters that make up the name PYTHIAN can be found in Pollys' full name, POLLY HANNAH KLASS, except for the letters t and i. The black line in the image below that you see running over Rt. 12 is the vectored measurement I drew from Polly's home to illustrate a 24° compass bearing offered by the Moon at 24° of Aries and Saturn at 24° Aquarius. The Moon and Saturn measuring 24°'s of their respective sign signatures were considered to be exactly SEXTILED which I believe increased the vibration of the number 24 that gave us the distance in miles when police could of gotten Polly back alive; if only that All Points Bulletin could of spanned the miles. If an All Points Bullentin on Polly's abduction was extended becasue the stars said she could of been that far, the radio alert could of been heard by those Sonoma County Deputies. I think about those deputies all too often. My heart and mind aches for them both. Because I know that they eventfully learned they didn't have the knowledge they needed to save Polly when she was right there beside them gagged and hidden in the nearby brush. This is a terribly disturbing fact. It is my intention in this writing to disturb you with other parallels like Polly's but with more of a focus on the perception of word Syntax in the matter of the missing; and what is hidden in the names that belong to them and vibrate out into the universe. Anyone can do this if you can listen closely with an inner ear. I am sharing this information because I believe it could persuade readers into considering a new way at looking at the predicament of a missing child or adult. Why shouldn't we consider new perspectives when it comes to this heinous crime being committed against our children? We will return to Polly Klaas later in this writing. But first, let me continue to talk Syntax and the names that belong to the missing. ![]() As of this writing, five year old Summer Wells is still missing out of Beech Creek, Tennessee. She was alledgely last seen by her mother and reported missing to police at 6:32 PM on June 15, 2021 from their residence at 110 Ben Hill Road. An interactive map has been shared on her berhalf. To date, Summer Wells' parents have taken a public beating about her disappearance. I mulled over the sound syntax from the letters of SUMMER WELLS' name, it can tell me quickly, LM LURES ME SW. Could the letters L and M be standing for Lawn Man or Men? Sort of gives me the feeling of a man on their property or next to their property? Perhaps Summer is familiar with him? Could someone Summer knows have been waiting in the nearby SW brush to LURE her away? I think its very possible. But what happens to that idea when we anchor the words LURES ME with her middle name SUMMER MOON WELLS. I found MOM SLOW, MEN LURES. MOWER'S SON MULL ME. SON MELLOW ME RUM. What happens when we look at this idea through the lens of the name SUMMER MOON UTAH WELLS? HMM, OUTLAW SON LURES ME. METH RUNS US ALL, MOM OWES. The other clues her name lend are so disturbing to me that I don't even want to write about them here. Everything I found supports that Summer was a victim of the people in her immediate circle and the surroundings, that includes her parents and the people they know. I even took a look at Summers' home address ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD. Yes, you can syntax addresses too. YES, SWEET MONSTER EATS THERE is an anagram of ONE TWENTY THREE SESAME STREET. Sadly however, ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD doesn't vibrate to anything positive when syntaxed. The family of children words that could be made with its letters ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD are immensely thought provoking and stomach turning when you think about the fact that an innocent young child has gone missing from that property. They are . . . EERIE, DON, DELIBERATE, LETHAL, INBRED, DEALER, LOAN, HOTEL, BAR, BORDELLO, BROTHEL, BANDIT, TABOO, HARLOT, LIED, LIAR, LOANED, RENT, BLONDE, LION ![]() Very troubling when you consider a beautiful BLONDE female is missing from this property. I also found the word HAIR. LET BLONDE NEON HAIR is an re-arrangement of the address ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD. Here is a picture of Summer with neon pink coloring in her hair. Matter of fact, the address can tell us NOT NOBLER HEADLINE and BLONDE HEIR NET LOAN. Sounds to me we are going to learn of some nefarious TRADE happenings taking place on this property by the people that live there; and I'm afraid they include Summer. Most of what I found in this word string ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD where there is a missing child would turn your stomach. I'm only sharing a small portion of it here with readers. Read the last three words in the group above and know that ONE TEN BEN HILL ROAD rearranges into HE RENT A BLONDE LION. Summer Wells went missing on June 15th, 2021 while the Moon was in the sign of the LION, LEO. The Moon was sextile to the Sun in Gemini. Keywords here are Man/Father (Sun) in the family or neighborhood (Gemini). It makes me ill to think she may have been traded for money or to satisfy a loan. No accidents. No strangers. DELIBERATE. TABOO. ![]() One month and two days later, out in Fruitland, Idaho on July 27th, 2021 at approximately 6:30 PM little five year old MICHAEL JOSEPH VAUGHAN vanished walking away from his SW 9th Street neighborhood. Again, as of this writing, Michael is still missing. Moving around the letters from his name MICHAEL JOSEPH VAUGHAN they can be rearranged to make the words which can be syntaxed to tells us, OUCH! A JAG. HELP! ME VANISH! Those words are a complete anagram using all the letters of his name MICHAEL JOSEPH VAUGHAN. It sounds to me like his name is telling us that Micheal may have accidently gotten hit by a car or van. Perhaps the driver of the VEHICLE thought taking off with him was a better idea than getting him help. ![]() I'm really wondering what the police must know that we don't with the arrest of SARAH WONDRA who lives just a few blocks Northwest of Michael. The police were just recently digging up her backyard located at 1102 Redwing Street in an effort to find Michael. The map above reflects the locations of Michaels' home (red target) and the Wondra residence (bullseye). The colored vectors represent the planetary patterns present at his disappearance and birth pulling over to the WONDRA residence. The picture above is of Sarah Wondra, her husband Stacey, and two other males that were living in her house at the time of Michaels' disappearance; they are, a one Barndon Shurtliff, 30, of Kuna, Idaho. And a one Adrien Lucienne, 32, of Toledo, Ohio. The police have reason to believe those two men and Sarah and Stacey Wondra know what happened to Micheal. A more recent article by Jake Garcia of KIVI TV relayed that Fruitland Police has sent evidence to a DNA lab and believe Michael was "possibly killed, buried and relocated" from the residence shared by Sarah, her husband Stacey and perhaps these two other males. It is not hard for anyone to consider a hit-n-run scenario when you see that these following words are living inside the name string of SARAH AND STACEY WONDRA. CARS DESTROYS CRASHES DEATH SNATCH SON DEAD DECAYS
![]() Much further back in time, is the case of JENNIFER LYNN FAYE. It was a chilly night in November of 1989 when this sixteen year old female teen from Brockton, Massechuettes strangely just disappeared after hitting several neighborhood parties and has never been seen again. There are witness accounts that put Jennifer at several different homes with parties going on that night, yet none of the youthful 'in-crowd' in Brockton knows anything about what happened to JENNIFER LYNN FAYE. Stranger still is that her own best friend at the time, a gal named, KRISTEN BALBONI, according to Jennifer's family has shown not one ounce of interest into Jennifer's disappearance. Balboni has never even once attended the many annual candlelight vigils that have occurred over the 33 years Jennifer has been missing. All while still living in the same neighborhood and in the same house as when Jennifer went missing. A long chat with one of Jennifers' sisters also offered that Jennifer and her best buddy KRISTEN BALBONI use to like to play quarters together while drinking coffee brandy at each others homes. I thought it peculiar that this friend would remove herself so completely from Jennifers strange predicament of being missing. So I thought I'd take a peek at her name. It became of no surprise to find that the word TREASON living inside the name KRISTEN BALBONI. When I anchored the word TREASON left over were the letters that instinctively arranged into KIL TREASON, N I BB. I'm guessing that the two letters B and B stand for Best Buddy. It's terribly hard not to consider from this syntax string that Jennifers best friend knows something about what happened to Jennifer on the night of November 16th, 1989. Jennifer's case is so disturbing that I'm planning another at length writing on her case. What keeps me positive about Jennifers' case coming to a conclusion is that her friends' name KRISTEN BALBONI holds the word TRIAL. If I keep the word TRIAL as my anchor it leaves the letters left over that can make the word BONES. Think of it like this. It has been over 33 years since Jennifers' disappearance, so when she if found, it will be only the BONES that will be left of Jennifer. Now don't you find it eerie that Jennifer's best friend at the time of her strange disappearance has a name that can anagram into BONES IN TRIAL with the two letters left over being the initials of her own name Kristen Balboni? BONES IN KB TRIAL. I'm almost done with the writing I am doing on Jennifers case and I will share it when I'm ready. Wait until you read what else I found in the names of that "in-crowd". I'm positive the truth will finally be forthcoming for Jennifer Lynn Faye. But for now, I'm going to continue to introduce you to the perceptions of Syntax using the words that can be born from the letters of names from a few solved cases, and also share what planetary patterns pointed to where they were found. But first, let us talk about the Power of Sound. The Power of SoundPlease look at these two images for a minute. They're illustrations of how matter can shape itself when a set tonal vibration is cast. You'll see that they form geometric shapes. Lots of experiments are being done today in medical science with sound to heal the body. In addition, here is a good article on the topic of sound from ScienceFriday, called Seeing the Patterns in Sound. Whether you read it now or later please also consider taking a moment to watch this short TED TALK video below. You'll have a base understanding in whats termed, Cymatics. Cymatics is simply visualizing sound. This is sort of what I do when I scry a missing persons name.
Using some solved cases I will show how a stringed syntax of words that could be born of missing persons name, but constrained within the rules of anagrams, offered its wisdom to show how it bore impact on their predicaments and their whereabouts. Let's ease into this illustration with an introduction using some familiar, but rightly interesting words, anagrammed for truth. An Introduction To Syntax With Anagrams You should already know what constitutes as an anagram. If you’re not familiar, an anagram is a word or phrase spelled out by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, such as the word LONGITUDE ---which can rearrange into the word phrase, TO INDULGE. In the 15th century finding Longitude was such a big problem for seafarers that the English Parliament offered a hefty prize to anyone who could solve the problem of determining longitude at sea. AMAP uses the word LONGITUDE in our work consistently, because we are noting the planets celestial LONGITUDE as they are measured along the ecliptic at any given time to draw vectors of those measurements illustrating the major angles formed by the planets over terrain from the point of disappearance to the point of recovery. We do it, so that we can hopefully UNTIE THE GOLD of where the missing are located. UNTIE THE GOLD is another anagram for the word LONGITUDE. In our study on the remains recovery of the missing, we are finding that our missing our being found in the sacred geometry of the celestial cycles. Why else would the word LONGITUDE hold within itself the words, UNTIE THE GOLD. When you explore our case studies you will see we are illustrating the geometry of the planets' positions against the great circle/compass and showing you how it offered location of recovery. The word phrase, THE ALPHABET can re-arrange into THE ABLE PATH. We can’t communicate effectively in writing if we don’t know our alphabet. I always thought it was interesting that the word, LETTERS, can re-arrange into word TRESTLE which of course is a supporting tower that holds up a bridge. So it seems that our LETTERS of THE ALPHABET can be mighty in and of themselves, can't they? As a matter of fact, the word phrase LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET can re-arrange to tell us, THE BEAT FORETELLS THE PATH. The beat is sound and sound shapes into geometrics. What makes anagrams interesting and challenging is that you are constrained to use only the letters in the word, name or phrase you are seeking to learn more about; and you must apply creative thinking and imagination to scry what they're revealing. It's a meditative process. Anagrams can be silly, amusing and profound; and sometimes they are disturbingly uncanny. The word phrase itself, TWENTY SIX LETTERS tells us TERSE TEXT N SLY WIT. That is exactly what anagram enthusiasts set out to do when they play around with the letters contained with a word, phrase or name ---to tell the truth in short verse. Let's take a quick look at the name John Emil List.
The letters of his name JOHN EMIL LIST can be re-arranged to foretell the death sentence he carried out on his family, in I STILL NJ HOME. The details of the John List case and the words in his name, are deserving of a writing all their own. It was here with this case where I got completely hooked on syntaxing the words in peoples names. But we will have to save John List for another writing. The word phrase MISSING CHILDREN can re-arrange into HIS L MIND CRINGE. The L stands for the Law, which as you know are the folks who are all too familiar with the ugly people bestow on one another. While the word phrase OUR MISSING CHILDREN tells us SUN LOR HIDING CRIMES! Yes!!! AMAP is trying to educate the public by illustrating how the Sun's gravitational pull, along with his other celestial pals, can offer us a direction to undo the hiding of our children who fall victim to this predicament. We are measuring COMPASS BEARING and correlating those measurements to the measurements of the planets at the time of disappearance and birth. The image above represents the 159 cases of children in our study whose remains have been recovered. When the Sun's longitude was measured on the compass from their point of disappearance to point of recovery we noted what mathematical angle the Sun made to the found bearing. Using a standard orb of influence, the numbers are suggesting we just might be able to use the Sun's measurement in celestial Longitude as a predictor for whereabouts in future cases. While Saturn can help confirm it. But there is still lots to learn. So lets get back to sounds and syntaxes. AMBER ALERTS rearranges into BEST ALARM ER! and SMARTER ABLE. And lastly the word phrase MISSING KID can re-arrange into DIG, I'M SINKS. Now that is truley disturbing, because most often a child victim of homicide will either be in the water of a ditch, pond, lake, canal or river; or buried in a shallow earth grave or covered with brush in the woods. Either way we are digging through the murk of the other peoples' actions to recover their remains. If anagrams can distinguish these simple truths by twisting around letters into terse phrases about the subject of these words and word phrases that I just shared with you, why would it be inconceivable this strategy could offer something of value in the matter of someone who is missing right now? Of course not all missing kids are found expired, some come back home on their own. But what do we do when there is obvious reason to believe they won't be returning on their own? We have to search for our children. It's carved into our hearts to do so. This means we need some help' ---other than sound investigative procedure, I believe a little syntaxing of a missing persons' name is a method a law enforcement detective can add to their toolbox along with the help of the Stars. How cool is it to learn that the word phrase COMPASS BEARING when its letters are re-arranged can anagram into COPS BAG REMAINS. I consider myself a Syntax Detective. I dig for the potential clues vibrating from the sound frequencies of a missing persons' name to see what is possible and what could of shaped into matter. I've used this process to be successfully accurate in my work of predicting locations for remains recovery. It helps me to help others in their search efforts for the missing.
Now, Let's review some past case examples. And as we move forward, as already shown above, all letters and words in BOLD are part of the name, and makes up the clueful anagram. I will always tell you what letters are left over if the anagram is not complete. Remember earlier I relayed that it was my intent to disturb you with the perception of Syntax; but it is the heinous particulars of these crimes that are disturbing---I am only going to tell you how their name told the story. Case Study Examples Applying Syntax Of AnagramsIsabella Celis - Tuscon, AZ![]() After six very long years we learned that CHRISTOPER CLEMENTS is the demon who stole little Isabel Celis. She too was taken from the safety of her bedroom on the night of April 20th in 2012. How apt is it that his name, CHRISTOPHER CLEMENTS can also spell out the unerring truthful word phrase, C MONSTER HITCH SLEEP? It's unerringly accurate, isn't it? ... because that's exactly what this CREEP did. It's right there hiding in plain sight of his own name, MONSTER CREPT CELIS with the letters H and H left over. I believe the two left over H's stand for Her Home. And the anagram can be read, MONSTER CREPT Her CELIS Home. When you think about how tragic this event really is, it should send a chill up your spine when you learn his name sends the message ---SHH, C LM, I'M ROTTEN CREEP. The C and the L and the M simply stand for Cee Little Miss. He was watching. AMAP has added little Isabella Celis to our child case studies. Isabella was found 5 years after her abduction 27 miles away in an area outside of Tuscon that squarely aligned with the SunMoon Saturn disassociated opposition that was occurring on the night of her disappearance. If we add Saturn's 25 degrees together with the 1 degree of the Moon and the 1 degree of the Sun it will equal the 27 miles in distance to the location of her recovery. In the image above, we show how that planetary patterns position on the compass offered the direction to the location (the bulls eye) of her remains recovery. On September 14th, 2018 at 2:32 PM the Superior Court of the State of Arizona handed down an Direct Indictment on CHRISTOPHER CLEMENTS for his heinous crime against Isabel Celis. Its was a good day for law enforcement. Again, it is my intent to disturb with these details. I wanted you to see how clearly evident the sounds of this monsters' name had its own story to tell. Mollie tibbetts - Brooklyn, Iowa
Below is a compass set over a map of the area with the red target over the home where Mollie was dog sitting and left to go jogging. The white Bulls Eye is where she was recovered South East of the red target/the Point of Disappearnce (POD). The distance from the point of her disappearance to the point of her recovery measured 9.1 miles. Her name told us, CITE BI BAIL, OCTET MILES. The word OCTET means eight (8). Her name was telling us that she would be near this distance of 8 miles of where something to do with BAILS is located. Bails of hay are found on farmlands. The planets Mercury and Jupiter in their Square angle at the time of her disappearance when measured against the compass foretold that one of the directions involving this Square could perhaps prove fruitful for her remains. The yellow highlights in this map are our hot spots for potential whereabouts when we constructed our Interactive Map on Mollie behalf. Mariah Kay Woods - North Carolina
The bulls eye in the map below shows the area where little Mariah remains were recovered from a creek off SHAW Highway. The red dotted line you see is one of the vectors drawn to finish off a Square angle to the Moon and Neptune's conjunction at the 11 degrees of Pisces. Little Mariah was found just two ticks north of this finishing point. Timothy Wiltsey - Sayreville, New Jersey
But it wasn't only his name that told he would be in SILT at a TWO MILE distance, the measurement of Pluto at 2° of Scorpio on the date of his birth offered this distance too. Yet, whats positively mind blowing is that when you see three of his birth planets vectored over the compass in the above map they point over to where he was recovered. His own Venus Pluto trining in their water elements at the 2nd and 4th degrees of Cancer and Scoprio had their finishing points pulling into those Pisces directional degrees on the compass into the area where his first sneaker was recovered, and his Saturn vectored over to where they found his partial remains in a truck tire along with his other sneaker. He was found in the silt spilage of the Raritian River. T! MY WITTILY SHOE is a very uncanny and eerie re-arrangement of the letters in the name phrase of,TIMOTHY WILTSEY, as it was the find of his shoe/sneaker that prompted the action to his recovery. His name, TIMOTHY WILTSEY can also be written as the truthful statement about the environment of his remains, O MY! I THY WET SILT. Jessica Ridgeway
AMAP did not work on little Jessica's case when she went missing. However we are using it as a case study to support our purpose to learn and predict location for remains. The Trine measurments involving the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on that day she disappeared aligned their way to Siggs' residence; while Pluto's measurement at 7 degrees Scorpio offered the .7 miles in distance. This is where he dismembered her. (See Map Below) It's also interesting that I came to learn how his name, suggests to us that there was a moment when AUSTIN REED SIGG can also sound like E! DISGUSTING ERA. Yes, Austin! What you did to Jessica was disgusting. AMAP is using what you, AUSTIN REED SIGG did to Jessica to SEE GUIDING STAR. Yes Austin, something good needs to come out of what you did to Jessica. Christina Williams - Seaside, CA
Sadly, the area where Christinas' scattered remains were found was previously searched but the exact location fell just a few feet short of the search efforts. CHRISTINA WILLIAMS holds within her name, the name CHARLS. We don't need to have the E to pronounce his name correctly; and with the letters left over, her name tells us a terse but chilling story---I'M SLAIN, I WIT CHARLS. Her name also re-arranges into THIS IS CRIMINAL LAW. In addition to the relentless efforts of Law Enforcement to get justice for Christina, one of the articles I read mentioned the delay in the trial is to prepare for a win at the death penalty for Holifield. Charles Holifield was sentenced to life in prison on March 24, 2020 for her murder. Just to satisfy your question of the name CHARLES HOLIFIELD, it perfectly tells us, I LORE A FLESH CHILD. Twelve-year-old Christina Williams disappeared while on a walk in her neighborhood with her dog. Prior convictions in 1979 and 1983 included Holifield attacking, strangling and raping two other teenage girls. It's quite maddening to learn he was ever allowed to leave a prison cell to go to murder beautiful young Christina Williams. Pamela Irene Butler - Kansas City, Kansas
PAMELA IRENE BUTLER holds the words E! I BANE RURAL TEMPLE (church) with another anagram I found, LE ABLE, TERRAIN ME UP. It wasn’t a hunter, or a dog walker, or hiker who found little Pamela, it was LE (Law Enforcement) on a good solid lead from a witness with the plate number that found its way to another witness who recognized the truck that we got expired little Pamela back in 3 days. LE is not always this lucky. Savanna Greywind - Fargo, North Dakota
Toni Marie Anderson - Kansas City, MO![]() Recovered deceased, TONI MARIE ANDERSON out of Kansas City, Missouri is one of the cases that is helping our work here at AMAP to earn some trust among those who conduct search efforts for the missing. But most too often we see incorrect conversations and mentions in regards to our involvement in Toni’s case. So let me take this moment to be clear about our involvement. Team Waters is responsible for finding TONI MARIE ANDERSON using high tech sonar equipment. AMAP did not find Toni, we are only responsible for analyzing her case via the planets, and using their patterns to create the interactive map that illustrated those patterns; And then from our experience we suggested to her search group four days after she went missing that the area where she was later recovered could hold promise for her whereabouts. Thats' it. But it wasn’t only the planets that led our attention to that specific area, it was her name TONI MARIE ANDERSON foretelling, ROAD NINE TO REMAINS. She was found in her car submerged in the Missouri River off of Route 9. Her name, TONI MARIE ANDERSON, held within it exactly where her remains could be discovered in a straight forward, no nonsense and chilling anagram of her name. As a syntax detective, I'm not totally convinced Toni mistakenly drove herself into the Missouri River---but that writing is for another time. Lucas Hernandez
So now, let’s see what the name EMILY ANN MARIE GLASS can tell us. She was Lucas' step-mother who finally fessed up to the location of Lucas' remains. Her name, EMILY ANN MARIE GLASS, hides within it the word REMAINS and MISSING. When we anchor the word MISSING, it offers YA! MISSING NEAR E MALL. The East Towne Square MALL is only blocks from their Edgemoor home where she reports Lucas missing. Interesting. If I anchor the word REMAINS it offers YE! GAIN SMALL REMAINS which to me was a good indication that Lucas would be recovered. Below is a map illustration of the point of disappearance to the point of recovery. It illustrates Emily Glass' birth stars offering the distance and direction to Lucas' recovery. Her name offered the distance, as well as her Mars/Pluto Trine measuring 18 and 20 degrees of their sign signatures; and her Moon ranged in measurement at her birth also offered the direction. Her own Venus at 1° of Cancer formed an exact square to the point of recovery. We have found from our study that it is often more than just one planet directing to the location.
When you vector out the range of Emily's natal Moon for the day of her birth, (we did not know her exact time of birth) we find that she deposed of Lucas in a location that falls between the range of the Moons' measurement when its vectored over a map of the area from the point of their residence. While her Venus exactly squared the point of recovery. It was Emily's full name that was telling me to pay attention to her own stars to find Lucas. The truth to her crime was hiding in plain sight of her own name. While Lucas was missing, AMAP worked with several different independant search groups looking for Lucas. We shared with each of them, that Emily's name was telling us to pay attention to her Mars for the miles in distance and that they should look for roads that move over water drainage that are at least 20 miles out from the home and work inward. We even wrote up a syntax similar to what you are reading here that we forwarded to Law Enforcement. I wish they would of really considered the work. Maybe we didn't have to wait three months for Lucas' return? How hard would it have been to map out all the culverts under roads that are put in by the city and/or county? Maddox Scott Ritch - Gastonia, North Carolina
Then I found the word MARS and the words DOTS and I got an alarming feeling. These are two things that AMAP uses in our work. The planets measurements get solid lines, and their finishing points on the compass get dotted lines. So I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, this little one has something to tell me". So I began looking at the other end of Mars' measurement against the compass in his map (the dotted lines), and I saw there was a road called, Dr. M.L.K. Jr Way, which had a Long Creek running across it as well as South and North of it and it extended over by the park a mile away where Maddox was last seen. See the map below. This is the map I replied to the FBI Charolette Twitter post and the image I posted in our Blog Post to Gastonia Police Department on 9/26. Maddox was recovered on 9/27. I wrote up a blog post and sent it over to both Law Enforcement division asking them to please just have someone go check the STORM DITCHes over by this road called Dr. M.L.K Jr. Way. I knew they were in the process of draining Rankin Lake, but I couldn't shake the finding of the words, MARS and DOTS; and then with the letters left over finding the words HID and TOT, ...now I was able to assemble all the letters to say, C X, C TOT HID MARS DOT. By now you should grasp that C is see, and the X is for MaddoX. I didn't care that this area was a mile away from where he was last seen---I didn't care that they were in the process of draining the lake. I thought with the Moon in Pisces at Maddox's birth that there stood of good chance he could be in the lake. But, I still wanted someone right than at that minute to go check the area I highlighted in yellow. I wasn't going to dismiss these words in his name telling me, X AT DOC STORM DITCH. Heck, Mercury measured 1 degree of Libra when he went missing. So we had a 1 mile radius drawn for this distance. And the radius too was falling over this Dr. M.L.K. Jr. Way. The map below actually shows the white target Bulls-Eye placed over the area of the road where law enforcement worked to recover his remains from Long Creek; Which of course acts a storm ditch during heavy rains. The red dotted lines are those representing the finishing degrees for the Moon Venus Trine against the compass that was in aspect at the time of his disappearance. So, to me, I'm finding that its pretty dang funny how a name works. It was the MARS word and its vectored lines that brought my attention over to this Long Creek area; but then it turns out to be a totally different planetary aspect that aligns perfectly to where he is found. Honestly, I never really know how my work on a missing persons name is going to play out, but I keep at it because it hasn't failed me.
![]() In the case of Polly Klaas, the measurements of the planets at the instant of her abduction, were offering that exacting direction, at that exacting distance, at that exacting intersection of Pythian Road off of Route 12. How do you ignore that? You don't. You keep looking at other cases, to see if a pattern starts to emerge that can be trusted and made predictable and perhaps help get a child back, hopefully alive. Using Pollys' case in our study we vectored out lines on the compass surrounding Petaluma that illustrate the MercuryMars conjunction in Scorpio that aligned to the location of Polly's remains recovery by a finishing Trine some 50 miles northeast of Petaluma to Cloverdale. So the stars' told us where Davis was first detained, and then where he left Pollys' remains. ![]() Its also the details of the Steven Stayner case that drives the work we do here at AMAP. Did you know that when little Steven Stayner was abducted from Merced, California there was a similar gut punching coincidence with his Dad as was with the Sonoma County Deputies in the Klaas case? Steven's father Del Stayner drove out to Cathy's Valley where his own father lived on the night of his son's disappearance to tell him about Steven being missing. It was learned in the book, "I Know My Name is Steven" by Mike Echols who told us that Del Stayner was so close to the little red cabin where Steven was being held captive by Kenneth Parnell that, "he could of hit it with a throw of a stone". No father, anywhere, ever, should have to learn that their missing son was just a stone thrown away from them. Mercury at the time of Stevens disappearance in conjunction with a few other planets aligned out to the Cathy' Valleys area at the time of his abduction on December 4, in 1972. ![]() I have my own guilt about Polly Klass, as silly as that my sound. When Polly disappeared I was trying to get Law Enforcement working the Sara Anne Wood case to consider a portion of the Adirondack Park Region as a possible area for a search effort. Sara Anne Wood is the harbinger of my interest in doing this work. If it wasn't for her disappearance AMAP wouldn't even exist today. Sara's disappearance was the first time I would cite a planetary pattern at the time of disappearance over the point of disappearance on a map and be correct in plotting an area of interest to send to Law Enforcement. By using a mix of the stars and the words in her name, Sara and her words along with her stars led me to accurately highlight the same area of the Adirondack Park Region one month after her disappearance. It wasn't until 4 months later however when her killer was caught that he mapped out the same area to police as the potential place to plan a search for Sara's remains. Sara went missing in August of 1993. Lewis S. Lent was caught January 7th, 1994 after a failed attempt of abducting Rebecca Savarese out of Vermont. New York spent over 10 million dollars searching for Sara and she still remains among the missing today. It was interesting to learn, that while Sara was missing, one of the intentions for a 600 case 44 state children homicide study started in late 1993 and conducted by the State of Washingtons Attorney General (SWAG) inconjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice was;
This except from SWAGs' study means that Law Enforcement needed help in solving these types of crimes. These words from SWAG compels me to keep trying to educate Law Enforcement and the public that we just might have the help in places we never thought to look. We just need to change our perspective. Today, AMAP is adding two more case subjects where remains have been recovered to our study. One child just arriving at a park for some playtime with family, and one adult just trying to get back to his friends. Both accidents. Both equally gut punching and heartwrenching. Lucian James Mungia will make our illustrated child study stand at 160 cases; while Brendan Thomas Santo will bring our illustrated adult studies to 103. Lucian James MungiaDate of Birth: October 5, 2017
Brendan Thomas SantoDate of Birth: April 01, 2003
Measurement from POD to POR
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AMAP funds and supports all Interactive Maps for all missing child cases, as well as the cost for keeping this site available to educate the public on the findings from our study. AMAP