update 10/27/2022
NEW PEKIN, INDIANA - The word phrase EAST HOLDER ROAD hides within itself the words TODDLER, DEATH, TRASH, DESOLATE, DEAD, HARLOT, DAD, DEALER, LEADS and ARRESTED. It's comforting to digest the last two words written, LEADS and ARRESTED; I'm hopeful we will see closure and justice for this unknown little one. Moreoverly eye-opening however, are seeing the first seven, TODDLER, DEATH, TRASH, DESOLATE, DEAD, HARLOT, DAD, and DEALER. Is the road actually telling us what we need to know about who put this little one in the woods to decay hidden inside a suitcase? To find out we will have to Anchor these key words for syntax. This writing will concentrate on a Syntax analysis for the name of the road, EAST HOLDER ROAD, to offer the possibility of minute details which otherwise might not be known to us---or to Law Enforcement. I will also take a peek at the planets positions for the time the suitcase was found, and for the approximate time when Law Enforcement believes the suitcase was left in those surrounding woods. If you are wondering if a street name can hold a truth, know that ONE TWENTY THREE SESAME STREET can rearrange into HEY! ENTER SWEET MONSTER ESTATE and N YET, SWEET MONSTER EATS THERE. I hope I don't have to show you a picture of the Cookie Monster to get this truth. Here's a more erie example, FOUR THIRTY ONE HILLSIDE AVENUE was the home of John Emil List. List murdered his entire family in November of 1979 inside this small mansion in Westfield called 'Breeze Knoll' before fleeing the State of New Jersey eluding capture for 18 years. It was his daughters' drama teacher Ed Illiano who illegally entered the house, perplexed by her absence from school, to hear the stereo blarring a classical music station while taking in the stench of rotting corpses as he ascended the basement stairs to the first floor. HAS ON HI-FI are a few words that can be found in the address string, FOUR THRITY ONE HILLSIDE AVENUE. It's what the letters that are left over can make that causes this address string to really be quite eerie. You see, List shot his wife and mother first after his three children John, Fred and Patricia left for school. Then he went on a few errands. One of those errands was stopping by the Post Office to have his mail held. U NO LETTER DELIVERY, U HAS HI-FI ON is a silly yet perfectly truthful re-arrangement of the text string FOUR THIRTY ONE HILLSIDE AVENUE. The John List story is a fascinating read. Even John's last name LIST can be anchored in this address text string to tell us, Oi! ONE HEAVY LIST LEFT UNHURRIED. Joe Sharkey in his book entitled, "Death Sentence: The Inside Story of the John List Murders" does well to chronicle the months, weeks and days both before and after this horrid mass murder event; as well as tell us John, UNHURRIED, slept the night in the house after the murders before leaving in the morning for Denver, Colorado. Let's get back to the boy in the suitcase on EAST HOLDER ROAD. I like to think Law Enforcement has got a good jump on this case analyzing the contents of the little boys stomach; the quality of his clothes; and maybe even tracked cell towers that picked up numbers that may not be so familiar to the surrounding areas during the beginning weeks of April 2022. The planet Mercury was in Taurus conjunct Uranus when the suitcase was found, thats information through technology. Mercury wasn't retrograde so there is no negative vibrational interference in regards to acquiring the information that gets this case solved. Accordingly, EAST HOLDER ROAD rearranges into RED HOT ARES LOAD. Yes, what they found there ignited everyone's attention. RED HOT ARES LOAD is interesting to this writer, because the Sun was 26° of Aries (ARES) in a mathematical 90° Square to the planet that astrologically rules the corpse, Pluto at 28° Capricorn, when this little boys' remains were discovered hidden inside a flamboyantly decorated suitcase dumped some 80 feet off this dead end route called, EAST HOLDER ROAD. O! HE'S A RA TODDLER is a quite eerie anagram when you know that RA was the Egyptian God of the Sun. The Moon was opposed the Sun while in Libra the sign of love or sexual relationships. The two celestial bodies that rule the two genders, Male and Female, were in an opposition aspect. The Moon is feminine. The Sun is Masculine. One would have to garner from this aspect that its highly likely a man and a women are involved in this case---but it doesn't necessarily mean they were together when this boy was left in the woods. The Sun at this event is also sextile to Saturn, it is separating, ---but remember, the suitcase was left there in the woods about a week prior to it being found. So the Sun at that time would be applying its sextile to Saturn. Sun Sextile Saturn applying would suggest a man of some age, I'm guessing under the age of 35, but not a young male in his early twenties. However, the Sun Sextile Saturn separating could very well be describing the older man who found the suitcase on his property while mushroom hunting. There are a few more interesting aspects happening at the time the suitcase was found that I will discuss throughout the writing. EAST HOLDER ROAD also tells us AH! TODDLER AROSE and AH! A SORE TODDLER. Yes! We learned from the autopsy that when the boy was put into the suitcase he was sick. Keeping the word TODDLER anchored, I also found SARA HOE TODDLER. Now the word 'HOE' is slang for HARLOT which is another word hiding in the EAST HOLDER ROAD. Could the name SARA be a real name or is it directing us to female who might be considered as unreputable and perhaps trading this little one for money? I'm not sure. This is the anguish I am plagued with when I syntax for truth. It's leads me to ask more questions. But the word HOE in the anagram SARA HOE TODDLER could also be considered as digging out or removing troublesome weeds. A dead child in your company is as troublesome as its gets when there is a reason you couldn't get them help when they where sick. Could the HOE mean it was a female who brought him into the woods, or is the reason the boy never got help while sick? More questions. When I anchor the word HARLOT there are letters left over that can form the words that can make the anagram HARLOT ADORES ED and HARLOT DARED EOS. The stars are pointing to a relationship and so is the syntax. In Greek Myth EOS was the goddess of the Dawn with two siblings Helios and Selene---who where God of the Sun and Goddess of the Moon. EOS was married to ASTRAEUS god of the Dusk. Together they had numerous children who represented that which occurred during the union from Dusk til Dawn. Its also said that EOS was the consort of the god ARES and caused the jealousy of Aphrodite who cursed her with insatisable sexual urge. So EOS abducted various young men. It's starting to feel like something else besides this child is being hidden and that there could be various other players in the background from the sound of the words living and neatly constrained inside the word phrase, EAST HOLDER ROAD. Seems to be a undercurrent of sex and relationships. Now with the knowledge of sex trafficking to be so prevailant these days and pretty much taking over the drug business, its hard not to think of this as a possibility in the background of this child. Especially seeing how taking a sick child to the hospital would of been the right thing to do, unless of course you can't because some other nefarious findings will be made. It's been almost 3 months, no one anywhere is missing a little 4 year old black boy? That's disturbing. This little one has been off of everyone's radar. Neighbors, friends, teachers, doctors, social services, etc. Why? EAST HOLDER ROAD is a very odd place to leave a child to decay when you take arial peek at the environment. I'm inclined to think that only a young person would be attracted into buying a suitcase showcasing Las Vegas. And in thinking about that suitcase, sex trafficking and seeing the word HOTEL living hidden inside EAST HOLDER ROAD, I decided I should anchor it and see what it can tell us. I wasn't at all pleased to see the letters left over could make the words DAD, ARES, and DEAD. I found the anagram A SAD HOTEL ORDER. OMG! Aren't HOTELS the places where such sex activities/relationships/trades occur? Places where people hide their affairs/sex acts with people who aren't the part of their marrige contract? Did something go wrong at one of the HOTELS in the area and this is where the little one passed, stuffed into the suitcase and then trashed? It's only a 40 minute drive from the center of Louisville into the area of EAST HOLDER ROAD. Or could the childs' mom be the one in the sexual trades business? I'm curious. DARE HOTEL ROADS is another anagram of EAST HOLDER ROAD and it certainly suggests that the person driving wanted to avoid heavily trafficked roads while a dead child was inside their vehicle. EROS is another god that is living hidden inside EAST HOLDER ROAD. EROS is the god of Love and was the son of Aphrodite. AHA! EROS TODDLER and HARLOT EROS DEAD. Sometime in April of 2022, someone or maybe some two someones, took a right or left hand turn off of EAST BETHEL ROAD to leave behind the remains of boy who we have learned died of dehydration via a viral gastroenteritis which causes vomiting and diarrhea. It was also reported that the boy looked as through he was cared for as he was clean and clothed. We don't know what color his clothes were, only that he was a black boy about 4 feet fall. It's assumed by this writer that a description of his clothes and a photograph of him are being withheld from the public to serve as a way of filtering through incoming leads. The one thing that could jog people's minds of this missing boy is being withheld. Why? What I found interesting to see is that the same words, RED-HOT, ARES and DEATH also hide within the EAST BETHEL ROAD text string as it does in EAST HOLDER ROAD. The complete word phrase EAST BETHEL ROAD can re-arrange into LOT BE ARES DEATH. Yes, indeed there was a plot of land off of this EAST BETHEL ROAD where a little dead boy was found in a suitcase while the Sun was in Aries. So what else can these two roads offer us in regards to this criminal act of leaving behind a little boy to decay in the surrounding woods? Let's see if it can tell us who left him there and perhaps from which direction they came. But first, as seen in the above arial image of EAST HOLDER ROAD there are only about seven homes scattered about it before it dead ends to what looks like a pond. I attempted to do a Google Map drive by, but its not available. Drat!~ I could very well be wrong, but this location doesn't scream 'unfamilar territory' to the someone or maybe someones that left this boy 80 feet off the road. I was thinking, did they want the boy to be found (flamboyant suitcase); Or, did they not want the boy to be found? Place him off of not one back country road, but two backwood country roads? Either way, I'm starting to believe that who ever left that boy in the suitcase has driven these roads before. Here's why. EAST HOLDER ROAD rearranges into DEALERS HOT ROAD. EAST BETHEL ROAD also hides within it the word DEALERS for a re-arrangement of A HOT DEALERS BET. Sounds to me someone running drugs or sex is using the roads to transport their goodies and these backroads keep them off of the major thorough fares in a reasonable but out of the way manner. However, that dang suitcase still has to be considered that it belonged to someone who may have been traveling. So one must considered the big surrounding cities to this location being
Or, maybe these DEALERS are there in the surrounding area and the suitcase is all they had to hide a boy who they were moving to his final destination. Maybe they are not dealing drugs or sex, but moves things around like TRASH removal or someone who delivers or sells a product. They were pretty comfortable traveling down EAST HOLDER ROAD to park the vehicle; take out a flamboyant suitecase; and walk into the woods without someone living there seeing. Heck, what was stopping them from just pulling over on EAST BETHEL ROAD and making the drop? Here's is what I found most interesting. Law Enforcement doesn't know that when the mushroom hunter discovered the boy in suitcase on April 16th, that the Sun in Aries was opposed the Moon in Libra and both were Square to Pluto forming what is know as a TSQUARE. Law Enforcement reported that they believe the boy had only been expired for about a week and that the suitcase didn't look as through it has been there long. They offered it was probably placed there a week before. I went back a week to April 9th and erected a chart for the evening hours. This time the Moon was opposed to Pluto and both in SQUARE to the Sun for a second TSQUARE formation. Not only does this TSQUARE aspect lead me to believe that it was probably a women and a man who left the boy there, as the Sun represents a man and the Moon a women; but that this TSQUARE once its measurements are vectored over the point where the boy was found is offering a direction near to Louisville or Lexington, Kentucky. Feels like travels could of taken place from Lexington to Louisville to Indianapolis, or the other way around? Not shown, is a vectored pattern of the Moon Jupiter Neptune Pluto sextile that offers the Indianapolis and Cincinnati area with routes connected to Louisville and Lexington. 'm thinking all HOTELS along and nearby the routes that takes one through these areas need to be checked for a little boy traveling with a women darning that flamboyant suitcase. And a check of the surrounding Good Will type businesses for the sale of this suitcase. Seems like it would be a good start. Using Syntax of the EAST HOLDER ROAD and EAST BETHEL ROAD I am seeking to see if this thought can be confirmed about the people who left that little boy to decay in the woods, just might have been running drugs or sex trades from one place to another, so much so, that they were either very familiar with the area and felt comfortable in the disposal point because they belong somewhere nearby. Of course let me say this, a dead toddler could very well belong to the distant past of one of the folks living there on EAST HOLDER ROAD---but I am going to continue working in the vain that this road is talking to us about this little disposed soul found on April 16th and not to one of the families that live on this road who may have at one time in the past experienced the death of small child. When I anchor the word HOTEL from EAST HOLDER ROAD left over letters offer us DR? ARES DOA HOTEL. Makes me think the child may have died while travelin' and not taken for help (DR) because he died before getting to the HOTEL. HOTEL ROARS DEAD is another re-arrangement of EAST HOLDER ROAD. Perhaps the item of the suitcase has Law Enforcement getting a lead from one of the surrounding HOTELS? In order the solve this case the due diligence in their footwork must turn over a favoring lead. It will be interesting to see how this case gets solved. My word scrying isn't turning up a clue as to who this little one will turn out to be or to who he belongs. I'm anchoring the word LAD with TRASH since its exactly what was done to this little one, and getting, O! ED ROE TRASH LAD. Is it possible that we will learn the person who left the boy in the suitcase in the wood will actually be named, ED? Yes, its quite possible. But in my experience scyring such matters sometimes the names are just indicators of other names. Meaning that ED ROE---could turn out to be a name that also only has two syllables. Could the ED ROE be two people, man and women, ED and ROE? ROE could be short for ROSE or ROSA. HARLOT ROSA DEED is just another descriptive anagram re-arrangement of EAST HOLDER ROAD. EAST HOLDER ROAD is also HR DESOLATE ROAD. The letters HR would stand for Human Remains. When I was working on the syntax the word RESORT kept humming to me and I kept thinking about the suitcase. So I thought I should give it some attention. I anchored it because with the letters left over we could make the word LAD. LAD, HE DO A RESORT. This angram, LAD, HE DO A RESORT, would make me first want to learn if anyone on EAST HOLDER ROAD had any employment past or present the involved one of the areas vacation spots to elminate this finding being connected to the little boy found in those woods. There are some seven houses on this road, and my intrusion scrying into this road that they live on, would certainly tell truths about the other people who live there. I don't know what those truths are---so again, I'm writing, frustrated, that what I might be finding here might not be related to the boy at all. When I look at the stars for when the boy was found, I sight that Merucry is conjunct Uranus. This could indicate a child that is mentally or physically challenged. I also found the words RETARD and RETARDED living in text string EAST HOLDER ROAD for the anagram OH! ALSO RETARDED. It was read in an article that the boy was found around 7:30 PM, if this is true, then Uranus is ruling the 5th house of children describing the boy with a mental or physical deficiency. Venus is 12 degrees of Pisces in a sextile to the MercuryUranus conjunction, telling me the mother loved this child, but Mars, the Male or Dad, also in Pisces. is in a further away conjunction to Venus, ----which sort of leads me to believe the Dad's love for this boy was not so much. It was probably his idea to leave the boy in these woods. Know that it does trouble this writer to score about these two roads, East Holder and East Bethel. I know wonderful and caring people deducated to their children reside on these roads and here I am calling out all these troublesome vibrations emitting from the place where they live. Do I even have a right to intrude? Some may think not. I do however think there maybe something of some value to whats written here that could be correct and hopefully helpful---else I wouldn't of felt the pull to dig into an analysis. EAST BETHEL ROAD uncannily anagrams into ETA HOLDER BEAST. Perhaps a lead on this beast and his vehicle transporting our little one in a suitcase will reveal the Estimated Time of Arrival for when they made their turn onto East Holder Road. Ring Doorbell, a witness perhaps, an unfamiliar cell ping? E! ED HARLOT. BEAST or is it DEE HARLOT BEAST. Would it be unreasonable to think something nafarious was happening in one of the homes on EAST BETHEL ROAD? While EAST HOLDER ROAD was just a short drive away for a dumping? I'm wondering. I'm sorry, but I do not like the fact that the same words DEATH, HOTELS and HARLOTS are also being found hiding inside EAST BETHEL ROAD. But also hiding BRATS and BROTHELS. EAST BETHEL ROAD is E! LEO'S BRAT DEATH. The Sun moves into the sign of LEO on July 23rd and transits through until August 22nd. Could we learn more about this case and an arrest sometime during that period of time? Or, could the precision of the anagram be telling us that our little unknown boy was born under the Leo Sun Sign? I'm very eager to find out and I'm am very troubled by what I also found hiding inside the names of these roads that I didn't have the heart to write down. I've been mulling over the dastardly details on the remains recovery of murdered children for over thirty years. I don't only consult the stars for clues to their whereabouts and the happenings that got them there, but I always scry their names as well. I've learned their names can be trusted for the truth. Do I get it right all the time? No, of course not. But I am quite surprised and confident in what I found and shared thus far with readers, but I want to go one step further. I want to look at the text string BOY IN THE VEGAS SUITCASE. When this little one was found on April 16th, it was a Saturday. SAT SIC BOY IS A HUGE EVENT is a truthful re-arrangement of BOY IN THE VEGAS SUITCASE. The community was astonished and they very heart-warmingly saw to it that this little one got a proper goodbye and burial. Maybe also, the anagram, YES! GOTCHA! A ENE BUS VISIT is suggesting the boy did travel to the area by bus. And its offering the direction East by North East, which can otherwise be written as ENE. I highlighted the North East Quadrant of the map that AMAP has constructed. Showing vectors for three different planetary patterns that were present when this little one was left in those woods and where they are pulling throughout the whole North East Quadrant. These vectors represent the
I only went out 50 miles with my compass, but you can easily see that the city of Cincinnati and the surrounding area could hold some promise as to from where this little one might have traveled. I found this most interesting because if he did travel from this East by North East direction they would of had to cross the Ohio River. This is interesting find because I reached out to one of my associates and ask her if she could throw a few cards over on the topic of this boy in the suitcase. Below is the reading she sent back to me. The 10 of Clubs showed up over the Ace of Hearts in the reading it means a family may have moved over a body of water. Perhaps its was the Ohio River. I'm keeping my fingers crossed Law Enforcement is going to wrap this up come August 2022. In the meantime, prayers and acolades to the people of Indiana who gave this little one a proper good-bye. God is Good. Cartomancy Consult
1 Comment
10/7/2022 04:54:59 pm
Month however improve authority see place. Indeed important indeed. Child and according trouble mother. College perhaps throw easy change point theory child.
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