Sadly the name, MADDOX SCOTT RITCH, has the words STORM DITCH in his name. And with the letters left over, the rest of them constrain quite evenly to form the troubling anagram, that suggest we might want to look for X AT DOC STORM DITCH.
More troubling is that when we anchor the word MARS from his name MADDOX SCOTT RITCH, there is a profound anagram that tells us, C X, C HID TOT MARS DOT. The dotted lines you see extending out into the South East of Rankin Lake Park are those of the planets MARS' pattern in its TSquare angle that it was making with the planets Venus and Uranus at the time of his disappearance.
What makes this alarming to us here at AMAP is that we use dotted lines to show that these lines are considering as finishing points/angles for the planets measurements against the compass. Another troubling sighting is that over near this Dr. MLK Jr. Way is what is known as the Norfolk Southern Railroad Train which is pretty close by to the railroad tracks and what looks like a canal or creek running along Dr. MLK Jr. Way. Uranus is the planet that rules the railroad and it is involved is this patterned angle. Please go check in and around the area that is highlighted in yellow on our map. It can't hurt to just go look. There are other highlighted hot spots in our interactive map constructed on his behalf but if I where there in Gastonia right now I would be giving the area over off of Dr. M.L.K. Jr. Way a really good look. Link to our work on Maddox Scott Ritch
Jupiter's numeric measurement of 226° parallels the numeric digits #2226 that were assigned to Jennifer's condo unit and parking spot. Eerie, don't you think?
Later in this writing I'll present stranger parallels that are even more disturbing, but I'll share one now before I make my appeal to Jupiter for Jennifer's return. The frame of letters constrained in the name, JENNIFER JOYCE KESSE, when intelligently re-arranged can constitute two very haunting and profound anagrams, YES! J.J.K. SEE IRON FENCE and JOY! SEE JERK IN FENCES. ~Yes, Jennifer. We all see. We've been seeing this JERK through this IRON FENCE for 12 long years nows. I've watched the video footage a hundred times or more---the gait to me is so nonchalant it makes me wonder if this person of interest (POI) even knew what he was asked to do.
We've been seeing this JERK through this IRON FENCE for 12 long years nows. I've watched the video footage a hundred times or more---the gait to me is so nonchalant it makes me wonder if this person of interest (POI) even knew what he was asked to do.
I'm far from done scrying for the truth hiding in plain sight of the name JENNIFER JOYCE KESSE. I have plans ahead to disturb you further by picking apart the name frame of someone who might very well know a bit more about what happened Jennifer. "When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it" ~Paulo Coelho wrote this is his book, The Alchemist. I want Jennifer to be returned to her family. And I'm hoping Jupiter's Return will play his roll to do it with a little creative help from AMAP. Now Jupiter. Jupiter as the 5th planet from the Sun has been beneficial to us. The experts say 1,300 Earths could fit inside Jupiter, so his large mass protects us by taking all the hits from space objects. What's important for you to know about Jupiter in this writing is that it takes him 12 years to make 1 orbit of the Sun. We've all been waiting for Jennifer for over 12 years now. This means, Jennifer Kesse's frustrating case has been experiencing whats known as a Jupiter Return---and it happened exactly at 3:18 PM on December 29th in 2017 ---and because of Jupiter's slow movement its still in effect now and will be till the end of October 2018. Hence, the reason now for my urgency to write this piece on her case. Jupiter historically is known to be the planet of Justice, and essentially a good influence. If you've been following Jennifer's case, you have already learned that the two detectives initially on her case thought she had a spat with her boyfriend and would return on her own. Her parents knew different. Crucial time was lost alongside lousy investigative work. I'm gonna leave those two alone in this writing even if I do think their lack of action is probably the cause as to why we still have no Jennifer. The universe will return their efforts as deemed karmic-ally fit when Saturn rolls-into one of its respected positions. In my universe, "There are No Secrets, and "Magic is nothing more than perfect timing riding on the wings of an ANGEL". The word ANGEL can also become the word ANGLE. ANGLE's are part of our implement when we construct maps for the missing. When someone disappears there are 360 possible directions in which they can move. We are trying to narrow down that number through our work. AMAP looks at all the ANGLE's being made by the planets, one to each other, and vectoring their celestial measurements as they are positioned along the ecliptic as compass bearings from the point of disappearance. These vectors will illustrate the planets geometric patterns against the terrain. Those patterns will point to the potent directions being offered by the gravitational pull of the planets in that pattern. It give us a starting point to plan laser focused searches. Our work is nothing more than a translation of planets put at ground level and relating them to local space.
Using a traditional orb of influence, the grid graphic above reflects the aggregated data of Moon's aspect/angle that it made to the found bearing from point of disappearance in 239 cases where remains have been recovered. There were only 14 times that the Moon made no aspect to that point. In over half the cases, 128 to be exact, the Moon made a major angle by either conjunction, square, trine or opposition to the found bearing. These numbers suggest we have a system of predictability. So we are certainly onto something in the matter of developing a system to identify potent directions to search for the missing. All that's needed now is to apply the intelligence to the map with the known details of a case.
So Pablo Neruda was intuitively wise. The Moon does live in the lining of our skin, because our skin is 64% water--and I just showed you the numbers on often the Moon played a role by forming a major aspect to the location of whereabouts for the missing. So what if whoever took Jennifer away in her own skin went into a direction that followed the Moons' pull/projected direction against the terrain once vectored on a compass? I can tell you what direction that would be because using a compass we vectored onto her Interactive Map the geometric patterns offered by the Moon, both at her birth and for her disappearance, and we included the rest of the planets too---because we are confident in our work---because we know one of the patterns will prove fruitful.
Whoever took Jennifer and placed her where she is right now, did so, by unknowingly going into a direction that was being foretold in the heavens. Our interactive map constructed on her behalf can bring a focused attention into particular directions and areas if her map is considered against sound investigative knowledge of her case. But perhaps, a scry of the names might offer a bit more detail and serve to boost one specific direction over another.
Again. The frame of letters constrained in the name, JENNIFER JOYCE KESSE, when intelligently re-arranged can constitute two very haunting and profound anagrams, YES! J.J.K. SEE IRON FENCE and JOY! SEE JERK IN FENCES. If we explore her name JENNIFER JOYCE KEESE for more information about this JERK, who parked her Black Chevy Malibu at the apartments, there are letters left over that give us the words, SON with other letters left over that can tell us, FENCE JERK IS SON with the letters E E J and Y left over. Could these letters stand for someone's name or a company relationship? FENCE JERK IS (JYEE) SON? Why does Jennifer's name call him a JERK does she know him? He is someone who is expendable to this individual who had him park the car, or is someone's family member or cohort in business or work? Speaking of Black Chevy Malibu's that was the same car Christhian Rivera was driving when he was caught on camera circling the block while Mollie Tibbetts was on her jog in Brooklyn, Iowa. In AMAP's work on her behalf in an effort to direct focus on a person of interest and focus on a location for her, her name MOLLIE CECILIA TIBBETS offered the clue that she MET BALLISTIC LEO BI CITE. The word BALLISTIC needs no interpretation, but the sign LEO has always been synonymous with love and romance so to me it projected someone angry who already knew her and had a desire for her ---so I was certain her name, alongside her stars, was suggesting her disappearance was directly caused by someone she knew and that they were from the area. I don't have Rivera's time of birth but I know that there is a 1 in 12 chance he could have the sign of Leo rising at birth, but in my writing I was wrong in suggesting that Mollie's assailant could be born with the Sun in Leo, or one of the other fire signs. However, I'm only wrong if he worked alone. Both her name and stars offered to me the strong possibility that there could of been more than 1 male involved in this crime against Mollie. Also in my writing on Mollie's case, I also revealed that her name was telling us, LE C, I AM BI A LITTLE COB SITE and that her name was also revealing I AM CLOSE BI, BIT TELL CITE. As you may already know, Mollie's remains were just recently recovered by Law Enforcement from a corn field not far from where her Fitbit led Law Enforcement just days after her disappearance. Who ever put Mollie in that corn field did so with the intention she would be found come harvest. Below is a snap shot from our interactive map we constructed on Mollie's behalf with the illustration showing the planets Jupiter and Mercury in their Square pattern vectored over her residence and pointed into the direction of her remains location. You can read more about our syntax of words on Mollie's name here. Now lets see what Jennifers' name and stars wants to tell us about who is responsible for her strange and sudden disappearance.
Like Mollie, Jennifer too is a Taurus by Sun Sign. You have a better chance of asking a wall to move over than getting a Taurus to do something they don't want to do. Taurus is a fixed sign, they're greatly dependable and stubborn. So just like Mollie's folks knew Mollie would be a fighter and that she didn't just get up and leave Brooklyn without a good-bye, we can rest assured that Jennifer too would put up a fight and wouldn't just pick up and leave her life behind. Someone else made this happen. Who?
Let's look at the Sun and Mars in her birth chart for that answer. I've highlighted them in yellow and the houses in her chart that they rule.
So let's get back to this anagram of JENNIFER JOYCE KESSE telling us that FENCE JERK IS (JYEE) SON? Does any of the men Jennifer works with, or for, have a son or a relation who looks like this guy passing the IRON FENCE. Is this guy an employee of a company whose name is (blank) and son?
RENEE, JC KEY, SON IS JEF! So who is this JC person? And who is JEF? Anyone at her job with those initials? Anyone at her job who has friend or son or an associate of sorts with a name that sounds like, JEF? This is what I like about the return of Jupiter. People get caught up in themselves, they make mistakes--maybe something will happen with this SON JR that could unravel this whole mess. Maybe this person, like Rivera, just needs a turn in the hot seat at the interrogation table to dump his guilt. Maybe this case needs a reboot with people being questioned again. Jennifer's name will tell us where she is, like Mollie's name told us where she could be found. But for now, lets time Jupiter's return for Justice.
Highlighted in yellow is the pattern/aspect/angle that Jupiter was making to Mars and to Neptune which is known as a T-SQUARE. It's interesting that in this Jupiter Return chart (below) we have the MOON in Taurus and triggering this T-Square---I'm hoping when Mars rolls in at the 20th degree of Aquarius come mid October 2018---LE or Jennifers family might get the break they need for this case to more forward.
There is a good possibility that Jennifer could be found in one of the directions that is illustrated in our map on this particular TSquare pattern. Below is a illustration of this MarsJupiterNeptune T-Square pattern turned on in her Interactive Map. I want to bring up that the red paddle marked with an "O" is Jennifer's place of employment in Ocoee. Its 2.81 of a mile away from the nearest red vector depicting Neptune's measurement in this pattern. Personally, I find that interesting, because although there is some distance between them, the distance drawn for Saturn's 8° of Leo at the time of the car being parked is also pretty dang close to the location of her office. So the vector brings attention to this surrounding area.
Moreover, is that the Sun (men) and Mercury (contracts) at the time were applying to an opposition to Saturn. Saturn is all about burdens and putting things to an end.
Jupiter in this pattern is the ruler of Jennifer's career house in her birth chart. She has Pisces, the sign of secrets, on the cusp of her 10th house and both Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces. So it becomes difficult for me to dismiss the possibility that Jennifer's strange disappearance is not directly related somehow to her career or someone at her place of work. Now I'm not saying that construction workers at her condo couldn't play in somehow as having access to and parking her car-----heck one facet of the company Jen worked for was involved in property management so connections with construction companies would be common. Some quality investigation at the time of this crime might have concluded some connection to the illegals that were allowed to stay in the units they were fixing in Jennifer's condos---who knows if any of them were somehow connected by 6 degrees of separation to anyone in Jennifer's work circle.
In the image below, I've turned on the pattern for the T-Square involving the Ascendant, Sun, Merucry and Saturn. Look at how this pattern vectors to the area where LE did searches for Jennifer and where her cell pinged at 10:40 PM on the evening of the 24th.
Back to the name JENNIFER JOYCE KEESE. I just found right now, JEE! NJ EYE FORCES SKIN. Didn't I just bring up Neruda's poem about the Moon living in the skin? And didn't I try and force the idea with percentages that support we should pay attention to the Moon's influence on the human body? What I didn't tell you was that I hale from New Jersey.
Please don't get spooked, it just confirms to me that I am meant to share this content for Jennifer. Remember, I told you earlier I found the anagram, YES! I KEEN JC FEE, SON JR. What bugs me about this anagram is the word FEE, which could lend to the idea that the person that parked her car was paid to do it. Then I found this, J FEE, J CRIKEY ONE-NESS. Dang! the word CRIKEY is an interjection used to express surprise ---but it sure sounds close to the word CRICKET which is game ---there have been references to the attire of the guy walking past the IRON FENCE to resemble that of a uniform wore to play the game CRICKET. We marked a place on Jen's Interactive Map that sites a place called Cricketers Arms. Supposedly, it was reported Jennifer visited this place located at 5250 International Drive sometime shortly before her disappearance. In our map illustration below that place is marked with a red paddle "C". And the pattern with a vector moving right thought it belongs to no other, but the MOON----Which was in square to Uranus---so the compass is completed to show both the Moon and Uranus in their respective squaring degree measurements against the terrain.
Creepy right? Jen is telling us that this person who parked her car, is somehow connected to JC and perhaps people who play this game?
If you do a little of your own investigating you'll find out who this JC could be ... now I don't need any trouble from this guy, so I'm gonna hide his real name in anagram and call him, JOHNSON CAMPY. And when I tag in his middle name, I can anagram the whole thing as JOHNSON 'BLOATER' CAMPY. By the way, an arrest record for this guy reveals he has a 6/24 birthday. Jennifer's Neptune measures 24° of Sagittarius which could be otherwise expressed as 264° which as you can see are those same numeric digits in his birthday. Cross your fingers, cause this persons Sun is getting a whack from good ole karma seeking Saturn and he'll be hanging around until December. Again, let's get the universe to conspire for us ... close your eyes, and visualize a bull in hand cuffs. Now using all the letters constrained inside this person's name, how troubling is it that we can rearrange all those letters into the word phrase JEN'S CAR BY POOL A MONTH. I bet he never thought her car would be found so quickly. Aren't you disturbed that a her name lives in his, and that also in his name is her car that was actually found parked next to the pool. Doesn't it sends chills right up your spine? I also got, MO, THAN JEN'S CAR BY POOL ... please don't make me explain what MO stands for ---so something terrible happened to Jen at the hands of this guys poor and violent behavior, than her car was brought to pool at the apartments. Yeppers, that's what I'm thinking. Something happened to Jen the night before and now he's got to deal with the lose ends. Let's leave out his middle name for a moment and get back to just JOHNSON CAMPY cause its in here where I was able to reveal PSYCHO MON JAN. Wasn't it a Monday in January when Jennifer was last know to be alive talking to her boyfriend? And hasn't it yet to be confirmed when exactly something terrible happened to Jennifer? Did this JC coming out Jen's name turn up at her apartment that Monday evening after her call ended with Rob and convinced her to met him somewhere---why else would we have someone dealing with her car the next day? If we go back to the full name of this POI, all the letters in JOHNSON BLOATER CAMPY rearrange into the most troubling anagram, SON JMP AT HER BALCONY. From the photos of Jennifer's condo I see that there were balcony's but I'm not sure if she had one for her unit. N HER BALCONY JAM SPOT. This second anagram of his name makes me wonder about my initial "met him somewhere" and perhaps could he have surprised her by climbing up her balcony---or did he have someone else do it? Here's what I'm thinking. Did he drive into her complex, beep his horn, she came out onto the balcony to talk to him and he used a ruse that he was in a jam and needed her help---just to get her to talk to her. If she left and met him somewhere in her own car did he go back to her Condo just to make sure of something? Or did he send someone else to condo to make sure of something? This BALCONY word is troubling. The next anagram I found uses the words JEN'S BALCONY with the word TRAP and the letters M O and H left over. These letters could be for the home, JEN'S HOM BALCONY TRAP. I also keeping thinking if someone could have come up or down to her balcony from from the units above or below her. When I first found the words JEN'S BALCONY being able to be born with his letters, I always wondered if that was his access to her that night somehow. Lastly, MR. O PATH JEN'S BALCONY ... again who lived in the units above and below her? Could one of those units serve as the path to get to Jennifer. It's disturbing for sure. But if you really want the hairs on your neck to stand up, then allow me to tell you that his name also has the words JEN'S CRYPT hiding there inside it. When I anchor these haunting words, the rest of letters offer, O, MAN! JEN'S CRYPT A LOB. The word lob is connected to game tennis but it is also an abbreviation for Line Of Business. That's not it. Hang on! AMAP's method of work with charts and maps is in his name too, we found YO! MAP CHARTS JEN ON LOB. This just takes my breath away. His name is telling us that Jennifer is on one of our lines from the planetary chart used to vectors on her map that is associated with him and a line of business. So here's where I need an investigator. AHA! BLOOM ON JEN'S CRYPT and AN CORPSE A MONTHLY JOB ... these two phrases are insanely disturbing, because both of these anagrams of his name are suggesting quite frankly that Jennifer could be buried on property connected in someway to this person. If there is a BLOOM on JEN'S CRYPT and its a MONTHLY JOB---this to me sounds like a landscaping arrangement. If I were a detective working this case, I would want to map every single connection to this guy and the properties for which he is directly or indirectly connected to against our Interactive Map, and see which of them fall in alignment with the vectors we drew for her birth and her disappearance.
Remember, early in the writing when I showed you Jennifer's birth chart that I mention for you to remember that Jupiter rules long distance travel. Well, because Jupiter rules Sagittarius, that makes Sagittarius also synonymous with long distance travel. The Orlando International Airport is all about long distance travel. So Jennifer's own Moon Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius could easily suggest and area in and around the airport that is also marshy type environment because of Neptune (water).
Her name tells it like this,
O YES! JJ SE CREEK, NINE. Is she telling us she is NINE miles away in a SouthEast direction. Thats' near where the airport is located. The JJ can be the J's in Jennifer Joyce, and she is giving us a number and tells us to go SE.
From the point of Jen's parked Malibu to just past the Orlando International Airport we measured a radius for Saturn at 8 miles and 10 miles for Venus at her birth. In between this area of these two radius' would fall the NINE miles. The Red vectors are for her disappearance, while the pink vectors are her own birth. They too seem to like this area near the airport for a potent location. But its her name, that suggesting the SKY NOISE that comes with being around an airport. JON, EERIE JF SKY SCENE ... who, where and what connections does this guy have to people and their lines of business that are near and around this airport. Is there any way we can go back in time and learn if any of these locations were under construction?
The image above can be better explore with Jennifer's Interactive Map
I believe, Jennifer is telling us that, JC KEY, JEER FENS NOISE, which seems again to be suggesting a marshy area near the airport, and I can't help but be bothered by the fact that this POI's name is rearranging into ASTRONOMY JOB CAN HELP. That's us here at AMAP, we are using the stars to lead the way and we think we covered her map with enough vectors for the planetary patterns we sighted and that at least one of them will correctly foretell where she rests. I know sex trafficking is a big business and must be considered---but nothing in Jennifer's name offers that idea. Nor does her stars. So, I repeat, her name is offering, YES, NJ RENEE, I SE JFK. My name is Renee and again I originally hale from New Jersey and I can surely translate the JFK letters to mean the Airport in Orlando that is obviously SE from where she both lived and where her car was parked. If I keep my name anchored, I have the words CONFESS and KEY with the letters I, J and J left over. So she is telling me, CONFESS RENEE, I JJ KEY I've been sitting on these words from her name since I began reworking up her case sometime in 2014 and for this past year I've urging myself to sit and get this writing complete on her behalf. It's finally done. I know I'll be keeping my fingers crossed with the hope that Mars' current return to forward motion and soon to be rolling over Neptune's position in the T-Square when her car was parked at the apartments that it could be the finger that pulls the trigger on this very frustrating case in which Jennifer never got the investigation she deserved at the onset. Someone knows who that JERK IS walking behind the FENCE. It's time for Justice. It's time for someone to speak up. It's time those in the position to bring Justice for Jennifer, to do so. If my play on words here didn't blow your mind---than you must read the investigative work done on Jen's case by BlinkonCrime. I warn you it will be hard not want to punch hard the original two detectives that worked on Jennifer's case. The Kesse's are not giving up but their unrelenting efforts are costly. They're fighting to have access to Jennifer's case files and their standing up to a legal challenge to get the chance to over them with new eyes. If you can see your way clear to help them you can do that here. Typically, I like to talk to Moon, but today ... Jupiter, I'm begging you, please upon your timely return, Return to the Kesse family, their Jennifer. Give them the Justice they deserve. Amen
Works Cited
UPDATE 8/20/2018: New Information was obtained off the arrest warrant for Chris Watts dated 8/16/2018 that indicates the GPS coordinates as 40.21624374 / -104.36667 as the location where his families remains were recovered ------and not the location that was reported by ABC/Denver7's spokesman Lawson on live TV with aerial footage of "...what the area looked like where they were recovering their bodies...". I believe what we got in this footage is known in the industry as B-Roll---footage to fill time just to report.
Which is true? Denver7 or the arrest warrant? Our original maps where taken from this news footage. The image below is the area for those coordinates, if you jump to the 5:38 in the timeline on Denver7's news report, you'll see that their aerial pan of area where he says their bodies we being recovered, is in far contrast to the area in the Google Earth image of the coordinates given in the arrest warrant. This is very disturbing. Denver7's location reporting is 3 miles from the home, while the arrest warrant coordinates are 33 miles away from home. We will be updating the maps below.
Below, in our article we will be including the new map illustrations to reflect these new coordinates as reported in the arrest warrant. I'd like to think those are correct---and our story here has been edited to reflect these new details.
Just 3 days after August 13th, at 5:15 AM when Watts says he left his family all accounted for Law Enforcement in a clean sweep not only got him talking but got him to give them an escort to a place of his employment to collect the remains of his family. Sadly, ---it doesn't always work out this way. Little Joe Clyde out of Dickson, Tennessee is proof of that ----as he is still missing and a family member is responsible.
AMAP is hoping that the map we constructed for Little Joe will help searchers plan and target areas that are in accordance to the planets measurements in the birth charts of both his parents. Both of his parents right now are sitting in jail because the police believe one of them, if not both of them, are directly involved in his disappearance. So lets see how it turned out for this unsuitable parent, Christopher Watts-----and his decision to hide his 'girls' where he works.
The point of disappearance to the point of recovery measured
Christopher Watts Birth chart
I learned from the book that came with my ACG Map that where ever your Sun Line falls that location is suppose to be a favorable spot for you. It's there where the energy of the Sun and its qualities will work for you. The Sun line inclines you to become the boss of your life and gain positions of authority in the areas on the map where it falls. Colorado was indeed that place for me---a place of true blessings. Not only was I continuously approached to run other people's businesses---such as a Theatre, but I also co-founded an Co-Op Artist Gallery, and opened my own 1950's style Malt Shop where I played great classic music every day.
To understand how wonderfully synced this is ---you must know that the Sun at the date and time of my birth was in Virgo (food) and deposited in my 5th house (fun, art, and music). But, the best thing that happened to me in Colorado was that I met my husband (Sun) and got married for the 1st time.
When I got my first ACG Map I had already been working with maps and charts trying to use each to find the missing ... but the method I was learning in the books wasn't working every time ... but we here at AMAP think we have added a new spin on the Planets in Locality, we're just adding in a few more lines that represent a planet projected in all angles against the compass. And when it comes to finding the missing, we think its working. I'll provide a link below to our case studies and some of the maps we've built for some unsolved cases. We are crossing our fingers its helps to bring the missing home if searchers take the time to use our one-of-a-kind interactive maps.
We didn't have the time available to work up an interactive map for this case when we learned Shanann and her girls were missing. But that doesn't mean we aren't going to see how it worked out when it gets solved. We need these cases to help us keep showing the public how we can use the planets as the tool to help us find those that are still missing right now. Now lets' move on and back to the horrific crime carried out by Chris Watts. We're going to show you how the letters in his name CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS formed the disturbing words --- PETROL, CORPSES, CELESTE, CHEATER, ASSHOLE, LOCATE and SWEETHEARTS.
I'm guessing when you read the word SWEETHEARTS as one of the words that can be born of the name, CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS, you may have smirked up or down one of your lips because we have just learned this ASSHOLE (another word that can be made out of the letters in his name) is no SWEETHEART. As a matter of fact, if we anchor the word ASSHOLE, with the letters left over we can construct the anagram, CW ASSHOLE, THREE RIP.
And how about this? The letters that make up his daughters' name CELESTE can also be born of his name. When I anchor the name CELESTE, with the letters left over--I found I could make the other words that form the anagram, I THROW CELESTE TRASH. Yes! Chris, you did. You threw her and her sister and your pregnant wife away like they were just trash.
As we know, WaTTS escorted POLICE over to the area WHERE he disposed of his family like they were TRASH. All the bold letters in that sentence make up all the letters in his name--every dang one of them. To see this happen always always always just blows me away. And its this play on words that I come to trust when working with cases involving the missing. But you never quite get over the horror of people actions against one another---not even when you see it right there hiding in their names.
The map illustration below shows the Moon Neptune Opposition at the time of he left his home to offer the direction in which his family was recovered from his place of employment and their sum 15 +19 = 35 which is the near distance of 34 Miles to their remains.
In closing, I'm suspecting that we will be finding out more ill tidings about Chris Watts---remember, I told you we found the word CHEATER in his name. Using it as an anchor there are letters left over that make up other words that can form the very telling anagram, CHEATER WORTHLESS PIT, which of course can be interpreted as money problems. I'm wondering if we will learn those problems were all because of his own badly made decisions.
On a good note, I'm relieved he confessed and led police to his family. And its bittersweet to see that the stars in his birth chart as well as the those is the disappearance chart were dependable to give us both distance and direction to his families remains recovery. Searching is expensive, grueling and emotionally exhausting for everyone. We are trying to solve the problem by sharing our observations showing that we have help in the geometric design and regulations of the Solar System. Sadly, we will be adding these beautiful souls Shanann, Celeste and Bella to our study....hopefully the details of this crime will serve to support our work sighting the parallels existing between the stars and the measurements reflecting the point of disappearance to point of recovery. We pray that God speeds peace to all the hearts suffering from this horrific tragedy.
Support Our Efforts To Use This Knowledge To Help Others Recover The Missing
Links to Studies of Interest
When I worked on Kali's case back in 1994, the event of missing child was very new to me ... but I felt compelled to pick up the phone to call the tip line that was on her poster and did so on July 15, at 4:00 PM and spoke with a Case Agent Thompson. I relayed, "you should be looking at a neighbor and I think he put her in some sort of Tank where he works".
I went on to tell him all about the stars in her birth chart and all the troubling words I was getting scrying the letters of her name, KALI ANN POULTON. I went on and on and I remember hanging up deflated.
I'm going to share this with you in this writing what I found in her name, and how the stars at her birth, and at her disappearance offered clues not only about the distance in which she was found, but the direction as well.
When I realized that the date for when she was found was the same day I was learning about her recovery and being correct in what I told the case agent ---I ran into the kitchen and threw up in my neighbors sink. Missing Children still till this day hit me right in the stomach. It's just something that I find to be unacceptable and we are trying to do our best to learn how we might be able to solve this problem erecting our interactive maps or at the least stop the bad guys from getting away with it by describing them as persons of interest. So, let's look at the details of the Kali Ann Poulton case.
Point of Disappearance to Point of Recovery
Disappearance Chart for May 23, 1994 @6:50PM
The DISTANCE from Kali's home to the Nor-Tel building was
The DIRECTION from Kali's home to the Nor-Tel building vectored North by North West at a
Birth Chart for September 20th
the Power of syntax
The letters that make up her name, KALI ANN POULTON, were confirming for me me what the stars in Gemini were telling me about a neighbor. I found the words, POOL and PAL and NATAL LINK. So knowing that she lived in the Gleason Estates, a community that shares is such amenities---and knowing that the Sun in Gemini conjunct her Moon in Gemini was committing to the idea that we needed to be looking at a neighbor---the words help shape the idea further.
I also saw that there were the words, PINK and TOP and TANK ---being born of the letters in her name and she was wearing an orange colored TANK TOP when she went missing while riding her PINK and white Big Wheel. So I knew we were getting some truth coming out of her name. But it was that dang, TANK that kept bothering me; because, I knew she had Venus and Pluto conjunct in Scorpio...that's water, that pipes. And when I anchored the word, TANK I had the letters left over that made POOL, and more letters left over the made the word NAIL. So the whole name, when rearranged was telling me UN-NAIL POOL TANK. This child was missing. So that was a very disturbing anagram to find. What's more disturbing is that there is also the word POLLUTION in her name---that exactly what a industrial 30,000 gallon cooling tank is meant to do, recycle used water. But I never made the reference to that when I was working on I couldn't tell the Case Agent that detail. One more, very important note I want to share. Remember I told you that Christie worked for PINKerTON Security. And remember that LE only arrested him because he finally confessed---they never had anything to connect him to the disappearance of Kali. They only had their suspicions. Every single letter we need to make the work PINK-er-TON is in her name, except the e and the r. Yet, in the next anagram you'll see how the sound of her own name tells us we don't even need the e and r ----as the word Luna is the Moon, and the Moon is feminine, and she was finally recovered. O! LA LUNA, PINK TON. But what we found interesting about that particular anagram using the word LUNA is that it is very possible that Kali could of been born during the early morning hours on the day of her birth, and that her own natal Moon in Gemini, could of very tightly Trined the compass bearing point where she was found at 9° Aquarius, as well as her Venus Pluto conjunction. Kali was found in the Geometry of her own birth stars.
Missing Children is just something that is unacceptable to me and our team here at AMAP. No matter how you feel about the sounds words make, or how the stars seem to sprinkle their dust on us here on Earth, I tend to use them as my unique perspective. In the Universe I live in---There Are No Secrets. The truth is always out there waiting to be revealed. Twenty-two years later, and I am still attempting learn and see what the stars and what a childs' name can tell me about, WHO and WHERE when they go missing.
Below are some links to more about Kali Anne Poulton, and a great article written the by detective working her case, as well as some links to the Unsolved Cases at our website.
Support Our Efforts To Use This Knowledge To Help Others Recover The Missing
Links to Studies of Interest
Works Cited
AMAP has been measuring point of disappearance to point of recovery in cases of missing children and adults for over 25 years and have amassed over 300 case illustrations showing how geometric angles of planetary positions at both their birth and at the time of their disappearance will offer the direction in which their found.
We believe that if our Interactive Map is used alongside investigative procedure and considered against the details that are coming to light through sound investigation that perhaps our map could help narrow down and laser focus areas to search for Mollie Tibbetts; as well as, help them glean upon persons of interest because they will witness vectors moving across areas that are in alignment with their addresses, cell pings, Fitbit data, and data retrieved from her social media activity prior to her disappearance.
If you are new to our work the image above is a screen shot of Mollie's own Mercury Saturn conjunction vectored in a Trine angle over the point of residence on 622 Des Moines that we did on July 24th when we began our work on Mollie's behalf. You'll witness how these vectors are moving right over the area of focus of where her fitbit was targeted near the TLC Farm and where LE are having continuous talks with a person of interest. So we know that her own birth stars are already pointing to truths that are coming to light. Mollie could very well be located on this pattern---or one of the other patterns we vectored as offered by her birth planets. You can click on the image to enlarge it or your can interact with her map here.
In the image below, with our new radius set at 109 miles, you'll see that the location for where the female who was found on August 5th, identified as Sadie Alvarado, is also falling within the Mercury Saturn Trine. This is the incident that worried me, in that we might not have had caste a wide enough net to cover possible whereabouts for Mollie. And as we waited to here that this find was not Mollie, today I had to reconsider that my instincts could be wrong and it would a good idea to extend the radius and vectors.
On another note, in thinking about Mollie and searching her birth chart for more clues, I came across information about her that made me consider the possibility that she might have Leo Rising. She was all about love, like to act and be showy silly, worked with children and had no problem standing up in front of people to give a speech. On top of that she had brown eyes, and long brown beautiful hair, and with her Sun in Taurus ruling a Leo Ascendant it would explain her being a tough little cookie and a fighter,---this is her Sun conjuncts Mars.
So if Mollie was born sometime between the hours of 11:08 AM and 1:40 PM on May 8th in 1998 in Oakland, Calfornia she will have Leo rising; and if true, that fact will allow us to look at the 7th house of her birth chart a bit more closely to give thought over to her opponent/opponents -----which could offer a more defining description of the male or males responsible for Mollie's disappearance than that of my first analysis which can be read here.
The chart wheel below is Mollie Tibbitts birth chart, set at 11:30 AM giving us Leo rising at 04° of Leo. I highlighted them in yellow. That's Mollie. How she looks, how others see her when she walks into a room and how she puts her first foot forward. Everything people are relaying about Mollie is that she was well liked by everyone, wasn't afraid to stand tall in a public setting to give a speech, and she was all about 'loving self'. The ruler of Leo is the Sun and hers is placed in the 10th house of the public recognition if born near this time. And here we are nationally aware that this young vibrant women is missing from the heart of American. It's called chart rectification and some Astrologers are better at than others. (On a scale from 1 to 10, I think I ranked an 7 or 8 in chart rectification.)
From this rectified chart the concentration will be on the 7th house, her opponent. It's here we have the sign of Aquarius, and so we will be considering the rulers, Saturn and Uranus to see what they might have to say about this person or person who is responsible for Mollie missing. First off, the sign of Aquarius is the sign of friends, but it is also the sign of strangers. So now we have to decide, by the rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus which of them by their own sign placements and aspects to other planets, are more suggestive of someone she knows or someone who she doesn't know.
Aquarius on a women's descendant likes her freedom (but sometimes she doesn't even know it, because other planetary factors in her birth chart say "I want romance") yet, when these ladies are in a relationship they need to be kept on a very long leash. It's been my professional consulting experience of more than 30 years to see mature women with this sign placement on the 7th to choose men who are married or emotionally unavailable because they themselves need to free even if they aren't aware of that need.
But Aquarius on the descendant for women, would describe partners/opponents who are eccentric, exciting, and who are unpredictable. For Mollie, we are looking at Saturn first as the ruler of Aquarius and seeing him conjunct Mercury at her birth. This could describe her teen romance with her present boyfriend and its exclusive arrangement...but it also describes someone as her opponent who is simple minded or has mental problems and who is impulsive----this is due to the fact that Mercury is moving forward to perfect with Saturn and it's placement in Aries---so its sort of gives me the sense that her running may have triggered the incident on that day because she ran past their home, business, or they rode past her while running. The placement also could suggest an arrangement of sorts, meaning that a conversation could of been a precursor to her disappearance as we are talking about a Mercury involvement---that's communication, that's making a plan. The fact that Mercury is in involved with an opposition to her own Moon which would be placed in the 3rd house of the neighborhood and the neighbors (but its also relatives and sisters and brothers) ---is supporting the pointing to someone in the area who is not a stranger. Period. In addition, Mars in transit was moving away from a sextile with Venus because it was retrograde---and in this position it would have been activating her own 7th house cusp. This again points to someone who already had a liking for Mollie before July 19th, and with Mars' in retrograde motion inclining to physically disturb the already disturbed--I'm feel certain it was the triggered that aligned her in his path and fuel desire. Who did she run past that day? Small town with a house at the end of the street---she was easily accessible.
In all my years working on cases of missing children and adults the statements being made publicly by Law Enforcement and the family in this case are a bit odd to me. It's almost as if a psychological profiler with the FBI is scripting what is being said by LE and the family in the hopes that the syntax of their words might provoke a response or action from someone they suspect, and they get a lead. I hope it works.
Astrology, star-logic, I rather call it, is first a mathematical science based on the astronomical process, and the art is in the interpretation. And interpretations are always swayed by experience and knowledge. Maybe, my interpretations in Mollie's case are wrong, but maybe they are right. Moreover, if AMAP has done its job correctly, maybe one of the vectors we drew on Mollies map will offer a direction and a distance to her location.
We are trying to help solve the problem of direction and distance when is come to looking for the missing. We are learning from those who have already been victims to this same predicament as Molly---just as FBI went through the crime scene photos of 36 serial killers after interviewing them with a 57 page instrument to gather their mind set---which they now use to form their perspective on a new unsolved crime. They were using the past to help them with the future. We are trying to do they same with cases in our study only we're not using crime scene photos---we're using a system that is regulated by the Sun. You know the Sun, its that giant almost perfect sphere/circle of hot plasma that keeps all celestial bodies in its grips along the measurable ecliptic. I believe that big astro-clock he controls makes us all creatures of habit ----and in doing so, make us all predictable. Reference Links to our work in the Matter of Mollie Tibbitts
Works Cited
According to Peter Allen, a writer for the new media Mirror, French Law Enforcement suspects Nordahl Lelandias is involved 15 unsolved cases and are labeling him a serial killer. Yet, Lelandias' tells police he killed Maelys by mistake and than got rid of her body, but this writing is not about the monster Nordahl Lelandias', its about how important TIME is when it comes to a missing child.
Figure 2 - Disapearance Chart for August 27, 2017 at 2:46 AM
Figure 3 - Map Illustration of the Grand Square involving the Ascendant, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto
In figure 3 we illustrate that the compass bearing from point of disappearance to point of recovery was roughly 118° which can otherwise be expressed astrologically as 28° of Cancer. The planetary aspect at the date of her disappearance that aligned out into this area was a TSquare involving the planets Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto (Red vector lines in Figure 2 and Yellow Highlights in figure 3).
Whats important to understand here is that the Planet Pluto at its 17° of Capricorn was off by only 1 degree to an exact opposition with the Ascendant at 16° of Cancer. So the time of 2:46 AM ticked the Ascendants' measurement to form a Grand Square to the Jupiter, Uranus Pluto TSquare and this planetary alignment became the aspect in which she would be found. The important thing to understand here is that the Ascendant can only be determined by time of day. Pluto in that opposition was being energized by the Square aspects it was making to both Jupiter at the 21° of the cardinal sign Libra, (which was in its own tight opposition the planet Uranus at 28° Aries. Because of Pluto's tight opposition to the Ascendant (the most east point of the horizon/ascendant for that location in La Pont De Beauvoisin, France) it became the trigger that inclined Lelandias to movement into one of those directions offered by this planetary line up when all of the compass's square points are considered and drawn. He choose to move in a direction with Maelys that was offered most closely by Uranus' finishing point into the South West. This is why our work in so complicated and this is why are maps are so overwhelming to explore. Its our job to consider all the planets measurement at the date and time of a disappearance and map out not only their own measurement in the heavens relationship against the terrain here on Earth, but the other points on the compass that they energize from that position, and its all done to help direct the highest probable areas in which to focus a search. Looking for remains is like "looking for a needle in a haystack'. Anyone who has endeavored to tackle such searches know this. Knowledge of the area must be known, maps consulted, trusted search habits taught and adhered to, and more over the time and money needed gathering the equipment and the man power to pull it off. But a missing child is unacceptable; and we as humans, no matter what odds are against us, must make an effort to find them else the bad guys win, and families fall apart under the emotional stress of worrying where their child is. We here at AMAP don't have all the answers. But we are committed to learning what we can to get the answers we need to narrow down the 'needle in a haystack' dilemma. We want to solve this problem. Every case we look at teaches us something new. Maelyns' case offered the importance of Time. And all the cases in our body of work thus far is directing us to pay closer attention to the Sun and Moon's position at the time of disappearance. It appears, in most all cases, that the Sun or Moon, or both, will form an aspect whether major or minor to the found bearing. So this is good news. It's hinting to us that we may be able to trust the Sun and Moon's measurements to offer us potent areas to search for the missing, as we trust the Sun will rise and the Moon shall become full. In Maelys case the Moon was 8 degrees of Scorpio when she disappeared, making its position only 9 degrees separating from the 28th degree of Libra ... which would forma Square aspect to the found bearing. The Moon in her own birth chart was 0 degree of Aquarius, only 2 degrees away from forming an exact opposition to the found bearing. So in Maelys' case we sighted the key importance to TIME of disappearance, and that the Moon in both charts formed major relationships to the bearing in which she was found. We believe its sacred geometry at work and that none of us are above the regulatory cycle of the heavens. Maelyns' case will be added among of the some 180 cases in our study of missing children whose remains have been recovered. Maelys' case will help support that there is a system within our own Solar system to identify the gravitational pull humans will incline to move based on our working theory that our missing children are being found on geometic pattern of the planets present at the time of their birth and disappearance.
Works Cited
Thank you, Karina Vetrano! We knew you wouldn't disappoint us. If you are not familiar with AMAP, which is an abbreviation for A Matter of Perception, know now that for over twenty-five years we've been working hard on trying to convince the masses that we can use the stars to find the missing and we been illustrating the cases that prove it. You can witness it for yourself when your visit our site where we are sharing a unique 100 Case Study illustrating how the stars offered distance and direction in cases of missing adults and children. We have added Karina's case to our 100 Case Study, because her predicament along with hundreds of other children and adults who have been missing found murdered are offering the support that we do indeed can rely on the stars as a system to identify distance and direction in the matter of the missing and murdered.
Stay with us, because below we will show how that same planetary alignment at the time of Karinas' murder also foretold the direction to her killer, Chanel Lewis' home address. Our team partner April, came across Karina's case immediately after it happened and we began working up the an interactive map on her behalf because we were disturb that her killer was still out there; and because during the course of our work we have found that the stars not only can point us to a remains recovering of missing person, but when remains are found the stars can point the to direction and distance to the residence of the perpetrator. So we put our knowledge to work, and built a map that could offer us the direction to where Karina's killer lived. We poured over the cases of the past, noted their killers addresses, did the mapping and than illustrated it on Karina's page so that we might be able to offer something to Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement agencies are the institutions where we believe we can be the most helpful. Yet, its not easy getting them to pay attention to our work. Some do, most don't. But that doesn't stop us, because there are too many murdered children and adults revealing to us that we better not give up. That we are on to something.
We believed that Karina was talking to us from beyond when we heard about her favorite number being 11.
In our 100 Case Study alone, we still don't know who killed
Now understand we don't think that our work replaces sound investigative procedures, we only claim to propose that we have a system that can immediately identify the possible distances and directions to which to focus our attention for the missing and/or murdered and their perpetrators. We have a tool that can be used as standard arsenal right alongside investigative procedures, especially when time is of the essence. We knew Karina wouldn't disappoint us. None of these do, each one of them are little bright stars lighting the path to this work. It belongs to them. So we stand for them. It's important to us that Karina, and these children and adults who have undergone gruesome deaths do not fade away with time without teaching us something we can use for future victims. Missing is only a matter of limited perception.
We have prepared 35 cases ready for your view on how planetary patterns gave direction to the whereabouts of the missing.
Join us. We are sharing our findings of 100 cases with you as they unfold. ![]() Our previous Blog powered by Blogger is home to most of the cases worked on over the years. You can visit that blog by clicking on the link below at All the cases worked on over blogspot address will be transferred over in time to our new site as soon as it is all ready. For the time being, we are using our free space at our address to build up the work on the cases before purchasing the space for the dot org address. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please Like our Page on Facebook to follow our updates. Simply click the FB icon at the top of the page to be taken to our FB page. Still waiting to hear if the bones found on a dig are that of Kristen Smart. And if they are, God Bless the stars, for showing the way. Pluto is aligning out to the direction of the dig, and its measurement offering the distance.
I always thought there was not enough time for Paul Flores to have been last see with her at 2:35 am, and than be seen at 5:00am taking a shower, and that Kristen had to have been in close promity to the Cal Poly and on its property. More will be highlighted when the results come back! I hope its you Kristen! The work we do here at A Matter of Perception started in 1991. But ... today, we purchased our new domain name, "A MATTER OF PERCEPTION.ORG" and below is the astronomical chart based on the date and location of that purchase. How apt that the sign of Scorpio should rule our public life. As the sign of Scorpio rules over such murky matters such as murder and the mysteries that surround the missing. Although I do typically, on purpose, time such major events for their best outcome---yet this purchase was made right off the cuff after speaking with the team and advising them that AMATTEROFPERCEPTION.COM was not available, but could be purchased for some four thousand dollars. After a good laugh, we agreed it was better to have AMATTEROFPERCEPTION.ORG which was available to us for the mere cost of $7.19. It is with great hope that the placement of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the 8th house of murder and death in this chart, in their Trine aspect to the Capricorn ASCENDANT, which clearly explains our standing commitment to use our work so that it will one day serve bring home a missing love one, that we actually have the stars in this chart that say we can and will do it. |
April Gonzalez / Renee Francis If you are here because you are seeking help with a missing person case please use the chat window to reach out to us when we are online.
AMAP funds and supports all Interactive Maps for all missing child cases, as well as the cost for keeping this site available to educate the public on the findings from our study. AMAP